New Show – The Chubby Caddy!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin starts off after some time off and shares with us a Code Available for GolfPad GPS and Tag System for 15% for an amount of time Code TTR. Justin talks about how it has helped his golf game. Broadway shares how he liked golfing until in his word, he “got fat” and stopped playing. The Guys recommend using his feet rather than a Cart. You never really see a Chubby Caddy.

Tune in to this Weeks Show!

Amanda talks about attending the Virtual Comic Con and what she loved about it and what was missed from the gathering. The guys talk about how the Comic Con had gone from Comic Books and Artist to Movies and Games. Justin talks about Comic Con coming to him when he was working at a TV Station in San Diego. He talks about his photo when he was able to meet Stan Lee.

Amanda gives a great description of Comic Con, “Five Days of Non Stop Nacho’s and Hot Dogs.”

The crew is excited with the recent announcement of G4TV plotting a return for next year. Amanda poses the question, “Who is their content going to be geared at?” Ready Player Two has been announced as the next book from Ernest Cline. Andy shares some info on the Revolution Toaster which he will be looking at for a TV Segment. John shares how he geeked out his kitchen. Andy shares some info on the Music Video for Huey Lewis and the News 8 Bit Characters in the Video for the Song featured in the movie “Animal Crackers”

Amanda tells us about her Sager Laptop and how the Customer Experience has been great! The crew talks about upgrading Gaming Laptops and how they have come along in the past few years. John unfortunately has had issues with parts he ordered from a couple of suppliers without mentioning them, Kind of..

Andy Taylor talks with Editor in Chief Jenni Newman of Cars.Com about the new age of buying a car and the many ways the Website can help with Unbiased News and Reviews by the Cars.Com Staff. Visitors will also find Dealer Ratings and review of the dealerships but also services to the Dealers as well.

Amanda shares a Website of the week as a New Tool which could teach Geography. https://www.geoguessr Justin does have a slight issue with it and shares a warning for parents.

New Show Added! My Blueberry Needs a Reboot!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Shawn, Amanda, Broadway and Andy talk about Zoom Fatigue and how some are tiring of the many Zoom Concerts and Entertainment Events after working an entire day with Zoom Meetings. The future of Education is discussed with Shawn and Amanda and how the reopening of schools is impacted by Covid-19. Amanda shares how teachers are planning to get ready for returning to the classroom. Amanda talks about the Minecraft Community with Social and Emotional learning with packs that are downloadable. We learn about The Mindful Knight to learn and play the game.

Amanda shares some info on her new Headphones from Steel Series, The Arctis 7. Shawn and Broadway talk about what a good product it is. The Headphones Amanda purchased is Wireless which Andy wasn’t a fan of in the past however the technology has gotten much better. Andy shares some info on a new tool for Data Recovery from Microsoft and how to get it. If you have ever deleted a file accidentally and removed it from the Recycle bin, the App is called Windows File Recovery. What are the problems that could arise with easy to use file recovery?

Do you have Old Tech? How much is it worth? The guys talk about how hard it can be to get rid of Tech that has piled up over the years. The guys talk about building older generation machines for the playing of older games. Shawn gives us a great solution with (Great Old Games) for downloading and playing your favorite old games for a small fee. Arcades have also popped up and Shawn talks about one in Chicago called Headquarters, Broadway about one in Texas called Pinballz and for Tucson, Cobra Arcade.

Andy quizzes the crew about the Anniversary of the iPhone from 13 years ago. They all talk about the Phone Tech before the iPhone and how the way to really get a short message was using the Nextel service. Andy raves about Kevin James short films on YouTube, some fun stuff!

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How Messy is that Desktop?

By Zoya Gervis // SW

Half of Americans would rather clean their house than their desktop, according to new research.

A poll of 2,000 Americans found that 50% of respondents would much rather clean their entire house than have to sit through nearly an hour of cleaning up and organizing their digital devices.

The average American hasn’t even cleaned or organized their desktops in over three years.

The study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Western Digital aimed to discover the reasons why Americans are avoiding decluttering their desktops and discovered 62% say their desktops are “very” cluttered across all their digital devices.

So why are Americans so reticent when it comes to cleansing their desktops? Turns out, over half (51%) worry they’ll lose their photos and videos in the process.

Another 49% worry they’ll lose all their passwords if they attempt a desktop cleanse while a further 47% don’t want to delete any apps off their devices.

The worry among Americans is very real when it comes to organizing their digital devices. The number one worry among Americans is the fear of deleting things they’ll need later on. 

Other big reasons people say they are avoiding giving their desktop a proper clean is because they know where everything is right now (36%), it’s time-consuming (31%) and it’s such a mess; there’s no hope for it (26%).

But, 61% wish they were more organized when it comes to their digital desktops. 

One in seven say they receive a “low storage” or “storage full” warning on at least one of their devices daily — Another 28% receive these notifications weekly. 

Anthony Morquecho, director, product marketing, Western Digital, stated “With devices at our fingertips, we have the ability to create and capture an enormous amount of content. We are now accustomed to accumulating digital content, however, when it comes to managing it all, it is definitely a challenge for many.” 

A cluttered desktop can wreak havoc on peoples’ lives. Having a messy desktop stresses 71% of respondents out. 

Unfortunately, Americans are also clueless about all the files and documents they have stored on their devices. Sixty-seven percent reveal they currently have files stored on their devices they’ve completely forgotten about. 

However, over half (51%) don’t understand how to properly back-up all their files. 

Morquecho added: “As a digital storage company, our mission is to help consumers find the best solution to combat digital chaos. We work hard to make it so easy that it doesn’t have to feel like a chore.”


  1. Worry about deleting things they’ll need later               46%
  2. Knowing where everything is right now                        36%
  3. It’s time-consuming                                                      31%
  4. Having a large amount of storage capacity                 29%
  5. It’s such a mess; there’s no hope for it                        26% 

You Are In The Game! A New Episode of TechtalkRadio now Available! Share, Like, Download!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin and Andy kick off the show with a discussion with Petr Hudecek of BDay Games. Petr from the Czech Republic visits to tell us the idea and process to create a Video where it is customized to personalize the experience. Petr created the game as a gift for his wife; after others saw it they wanted it for themselves. Jason from Unique Gifts for Guys shared the concept on his website and that’s when the request began pouring in. Petr explains why this is such a Unique gift.

Andy loves News Be Funny on YouTube. A Majority of segments have been with field reporters doing segments interrupted by Dogs Cats and Spouses. Andy has an issue with his Linksys Router and finds himself rebooting it often. Justin tries the 2 Week free trial of YouTubeTV and shares what he thinks about it! How many people are sharing logins with family members to online streaming services?

Justin is intrigued by a project called Neuralink he heard about on the Joe Rogan Experience while talking with Elon Musk. Justin shares some of the finer aspects of what this technology could do and helping in the health aspects of society however Shawn and Andy are a little concerned at what this could do. It could change the educational system. The Guys talk about how to update Google Chrome Manually.

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New Show! Sweet Tasting Pi! Episode 270 Without Breaks

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin buys himself the Secret Labs Omega Chair and it has arrived. While we are sidetracked by the creepy looking doll hanging out on the Broadway background. Justin talks about the Quality of the chair and the experience putting it together. Justin loves the Secret Labs Omega chair while Andy and Shawn are sitting in old squeaky office chairs; Broadway is lounging on a Love seat.

The guys talk about Sit Stand Desk and why these offer great ergonomics. Some manufacturers of Sit Stand Desks include Fellowes, Steelcase and VariDesk. Shawn tells us about Canon USA now adding software that will allow users to use most Canon DSLR EOS Cameras as a webcam. The guys talk about lenses and photography and wonder on the quality of the Smartphone’s versus DSLR? Broadway brings up a good point as to why the Smartphone’s have excelled in performance and it’s the basics of technology. The guys talk about the Adobe Photoshop program and reminds parents of the Educational Version available. Scott Kelby has been teaching some basics in Webinars on Kelby One.

Shawn and Justin talk about the Raspberry Pi with a new Add on Camera available. The only issue Justin has had with Raspberry Pi is that it runs on Linux although Broadway had made use of running Linux with Windows together. Broadway recommends getting into Linux and Raspberry Pi to learn how tech systems work, plus the Raspberry Pi website has all types of projects users can work with. Andy shares the story about the Woman who bought some Air Pods only at a great price; the photo on the web is hilarious of her getting huge Air Pods BUT, they are an Awesome Bluetooth Speaker!

Justin tells us about this new show on Amazon Prime called Upload. Its a Comedy with a bit of a mystery thrown in and tells a great story. Andy talks about IMDB.TV and all the different sources of programs available including LOST. If you have a fire stick you can watch the shows for free with Ads. Cord Cutters are loving YouTube TV with Local Channels available in most areas and a Cloud DVR. Andy talks about Shamook on YouTube creating a Deep Fake of Raiders of the Lost Ark with Chris Pratt as Harrison Ford.

Justin shares the Website of the Week – A Game Designer can put you in the Game with

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