TechtalkRadio has been informed that, until November 30, Fast Video Converter PRO is free!
“Fast Video Converter PRO is an all-in-one video converter for converting videos of all popular formats like AVI, ASF, AVC, DIVX, FLV, H264, MP4, MOV, MPEG1/2, OGG, RM, RMVB, VOB, WMV, XVID, 3GP, 3G2, etc., and creating fascinating photos from video files. It is able to facilitate getting the specific video format watched on TV, played on portable media players, loaded to mobile phones, or put on websites.
“Fast Video Converter PRO has a very friendly interface with simple operation…Advanced users have the option of tweaking video and audio settings, like bit rate and resolution…”
Key Features:
* Converts Videos between all Popular Video Formats
* Has the Fastest Speed to Convert Video
* Supports Batch Conversion
* Extracts Audio From Video
You can use it on up to five personal computers with one free license. Fast Video Converter PRO works on Windows 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000 (32bit or 64bit).

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