It’s always great to get new Electronic Gadgets! Yes, the Feeling of Unwrapping a new 50″ Flat Screen TV, A Computer with todays Bells and Whistles or a new Home Stereo with iPOD and Satellite Radio Integration. Problem is, as we collect more gadgets and help our national economy (A Reason I try to pass by Gloria before asking for something new) we have to find a way to get rid of our older electronics.

While my friends at the Consumer Electronics Association are calling for more Green Products the older large footprint TV’s and Computer Monitors are still a problem to dispose of. Non Working devices can’t simply be tossed into the trash as parts inside those units can be hazardous. Recycling is good not only for the clutter in your garage but also for the Environment. I am not providing this link as a way to convince yourself or a family member of the need to upgrade your devices but plain and simply – take a look at how green eco friendly devices can not only save space but also the energy bill. Check the link here for a savings calculator

Electronics Drives are very important in the Community and one such event for us here in the Tucson Area is the Electronics Drive put on by the University of Arizona Bookstore. Starting tomorrow July 13th through Saturday July 16th 2011, the UABookstore will collect used Junk Electronics and dispose of them at a California Recycling Facility courtesy of Apple. The Hours of the event are from 10am to 4pm and items will be collected at the UABookstore Loading Dock. Think nobody takes them thier Junk Electronics? Last year they collected 47 Tons!

For More information on the Cyberjunk Collection check out the UA Bookstores Link

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