admin – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Mon, 14 Nov 2016 02:59:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 Ring, Sling and Copying Mon, 14 Nov 2016 02:59:24 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks Show, Andy and Justin talk about Alexa and the New Google Home as personal assistants. Justin installs Ring and tells us why he couldn’t completely love the experience. Battlefield 1 and Civilization are covered as titles for the holiday season.

Slick and Andy talk about Sling TV and how cutting the cord is becoming easier and offering more choices. Also covered are some new options for cord cutters for local programming. Antennas for local programming are discussed and how to easily transfer your VHS Tapes to DVD with the New Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 3.

Website of the Week from Slick is Next Door an App that connects your neighborhood.



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TechBlast – A Quick hit on TechNews and Announcements Wed, 05 Oct 2016 15:39:06 +0000 Read More]]> Check out the Latest TechBlast from TechtalkRadio! We try to get a TechBlast in Everyday! The Latest in News and Announcements from the TechWorld. If you would like to contribute or have a News Release, please feel free to use our Contact Page to reach out to us!

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Show from 09/17/2016 Some Charging Tips without all the Smoke! Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:53:54 +0000 Read More]]>

  • In this Weeks Segment from 09/17/2016 – Andy, Slick and Justin talk about the Note 7 and the Recall of the device – (Since this show was recorded the Recall was Official)
    The guys talk about the threat of charging devices and why your devices should be monitored when charging. With the thought in mind, the guys share some ideal charging suggestions and why they shouldn’t be plugged in overnight. Why Samsung had to shift marketing focus quickly and why Lenovo is focusing on Skipping the 7s.
  • Slick shares what grinds his gears when it comes to batteries in smartphones. Next to using a smartphone as a phone, the guys share what are the most important features for the team.
    Andy Taylor talks about the Lenovo MotoMod from Hasselblad, True Zoom which can help turn the smartphone into a feature filled digital camera for the end user. Slick challenges Justin on a comment regarding iTunes Digital Rights Management of music purchased through the iTunes Store.
  • Andy Taylor discusses the idea behind The Digital Dark age and why we shouldn’t get rid of our paper, photos, music CD’s, DVD’s. Tivo is bought out by Rovi for 1.1B and changes
    its name to Tivo. The new Tivo Bolt with 4k and 3TB of Data storage is talked about. What do you need to make the Tivo Bolt work on your Cable System. How do you find out what to sell your used hardware for? Listener Gilbert asks. What should somebody do with a Hard Drive in their system before they donate or sell it. Dban Dariks Boot and Nuke is noted as a program to make drives unrecoverable.
  • App and Website of the Week is a simple tough game from potoandcabenga from Armor Games
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New KMSB Fox 11 Daybreak Segment featuring products for the Home! Mon, 19 Sep 2016 17:36:43 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Segment from 09/19/2016 – Andy Taylor shares some products which will use the Power Outlets in your home for Technology. The Netgear Powerline 1000 extends the network in your home through the powerlines and an easy to set up interface. Devices without WiFi capability yet needing a Net Connection can be connected without running wire across the floor. The device is capable of transfering data up to 1000Mbps.

Andy Taylor also shares with Andrew Capasso the iHome Smart Home connectors which can also plug into an outlet and using the Wink App or Nest or even the Apple HomeKit, can be used to control the power to small appliances.

For more info on the Products check out and

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This Weeks Radio Show Now Available! Mon, 12 Sep 2016 03:35:03 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks Radio Show, We talk about the Apple Event 2016 with the Unveiling of the new collaborative iWorks, The Apple Watch Series 2 with GPS and the Series 1 with a lower price point. Although without GPS it’s now available for starting around 269. We also look at Apples Role in Connected Classrooms and why maybe this went in a different direction over the past decade. Apple commits to the ConnectED program which is directing Apple technology to the classroom. We couldn’t talk about the Apple Event and not cover iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, much of the focus is on the lack of a headphone port and not towards the fast processor or dual cameras with some nice features we will see with iOS 10, either way, we discuss this and more in this weeks show!

— Andy

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