In this Weeks Show Shawn and Andy talk about digital hoarding and how easy it is to take a file, duplicate it, store it and never delete it. Shawn tells us the normal file usage around the country and how that number does not seem to get smaller. Shawn tells us about and The Way Back machine on that site and now the
The guys talk about how web creation has developed over the years from Microsoft Front Page to Dreamweaver to WordPress. Shawn tells us about a site he created with GeoCities. Shawn tells us about waiting in line to play Overwatch 2 and some of the bugs experienced on the first day. Andy wants to remove Toon Blast due to the AI and direction to purchase add-ons. Andy talks about games and the prices going up to own them. Shawn states even more this means the model of subscription services like game pass will be the normal.
Andy tells us about Vidgo and a partnership with Curacao to give 3 months premium service for streaming television services. The guys talk about the benefits of cutting the cord and using this type of service. Shawn and Andy talk about the old days of Netflix and how far they have come yet another price increase has been put in place. Andy talks about Kanopy which may be available through your public library. Apple has announced a new iPad Pro with the M2 Processor.
Andy gets sidelined from Covid 19 for the First time, at the same time Apple has sent him the iPhone 14 Pro Max to look at and Andy is planning to put it through the paces as soon as he is cleared. Shawn tells us about the time lapse he has been doing to the GoPro and one he forgot about!
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]]>In this week’s show, Shawn takes a trip to the Lake and gets into the water and forgets to reapply the Sunscreen, this gives him a lobster type look. This has the guys talking about the Weather Apps on the Market and which ones are the best. Shawn and Justin talk about Weather Underground and the NOAA App. For 2.99 a year, Weather Underground is a good solution. The guys talk about the latest revelations of the latest Ransomware attack which opens the discussion on password management. What is a VPN? How do IT Managers work with VPN and should 2 Factor Authentication be used. Shawn tells us about Microsoft Flight Simulator coming to Xbox in July and the DLC for Top Gun Maverick. Turtle Beach introduces the VelocityOne Flight for flying with the Xbox pr PC and it looks Amazing!
Andy misses Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator and Justin recommends DCSWorld for a more military style flight sim. Nintendo has a Treehouse event during the Virtual E3, and we will be talking about on Next Week’s Show. Diablo 2 has been announced as being reintroduced.
Microsoft makes the announcement that Windows 10 Support will end in 2025. The guys talk about how this will be the next step in the evolution of the OS for what is to be announced on the 24th. When it comes to the Microsoft Windows Platforms the crew talks about the ones they liked and what frustrated most people. The Latest Windows 10 Update has some really frustrated users. The guys talk about what they would love to see with a new Windows Operating System. Driver Support is one we would all love to see, Justin talks about that alternative, Driver Easy.
Justin talks about the RTX 3080 Video card and still not being able to get his hands on one. Digital Currency Mining and Elon are discussed with Justin sharing his disappointment in statements made by Musk. Shawn and Justin offering different views when it comes to doing 3D print jobs for other people. Shawn talks about Sony and the Airpeak S1 Drone with a price of 9k yet, he loves some of the testing and capabilities of the drone which includes foldable landing gear.
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]]>Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio shares with us the New Shure MV7 Podcast Microphone. The Microphone with Options and a Nice Warm sound. The Shure MV7 allows the connection Via XLR into a Mixer or the Ability to use USB to a Laptop or Desktop with the Included cable and the USB to a USB-C with again, the Included cable, for running into a USB-C capable Laptop or even tablet. The Sound delivered is warm and features Voice Isolation Technology, real time Headphone Monitoring with the onboard headphone jack and touch panel controls when powered via USB for customization. Andy demonstrates with a Mixer switching between the SM7B Studio Microphone and MV7
]]>In this Weeks Show – Justin, Slick and Andy talk about the New Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, Expandable Memory, Better Camera and Faster Processor.
Listener Question from Priscilla about finding the proper laptop for Photo Editing – Why Justin likes the Surface.
A Warning to those with Integrated Tech in Cars and why they should be careful.
Andy is checking out Twitter more often, we find out why Justin doesn’t like that and what #PodernFamily helps discover.
Name that Term is played along with a Website of the Week from the Museum of Science.