Bloopers – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Tue, 08 Dec 2020 01:19:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 New Show Added! Episode 293 – Streaming Jackhammers! Tue, 08 Dec 2020 01:19:55 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Broadway and Amanda welcome RyaStream back to the show. Always a blast to have Ryan on the Show, Broadway is a bit jealous at the incredible sound out of his microphone. Ryan is a streaming gamer on the Facebook platform and talks about his first time streaming and what happened when people began to watch. We share thoughts on what makes a popular streamer in this genre. Ryan talks about the immense fun he has and the importance of being interactive.

RyaStream tells us about the technology behind the stream and how in the past year has the Tech worked for making it easier for the Gamer Streaming. Ryan tells us about Streamdeck and how that has helped. Ryan tells us about the software OBS for streaming and how GoXLR has really enhanced the audio for the sound of the stream. The crew talks about Graphics Cards and how Justin is seeking out the RTX3080.

Shawn asks Ryan if he stays away from spoilers when a game is released? Also, what does he look for in a game? Ryan tells us about a game title which really surprised him is Firefighting Simulator the Squad from Astragon and how amazing the gameplay and graphics are in the game. Ryan tells us how SCS Software put his logo in the DLC for American Truck Simulator for Idaho. We also find out what RyaStreams favorite show is. It is the Simpsons.

The crew talks about the blooper from Mandalorian (Jeans Guy – Which at airtime has been edited out). Ryan talks about the Mario Cart with AR and Shawn tells us about Star Wars Squadrons with the Oculus headset VR is amazing. Amanda had been honored with the Award from CUE (Computer Using Educators) The Inland Area CUE Innovator of the Year Award. Broadway tells us about his thoughts on the Importance of Coding.

Justin shares another website to help find hard to find items, Ryan is trying to find the Honeycomb Bravo as a flight controller. Shawn and Ryan talk about the New world of Warcraft.

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New Show Posted! Mailing Meatballs! Sun, 23 Aug 2020 23:05:46 +0000 Read More]]>

EPISODE 282: Mailing Meatballs!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, The guys talk about Broadway building out his studio for streaming and audio but going old school by filling his walls with egg cartons to absorb the sound.

Photo of the Studios with Egg Crates for Sound
Broadways Studio with egg crates for sound absorption!

Shawn is under a severe weather watch during the show and we talk about storms and earthquakes, while andy has thought he lived through the big Landers 7.1 Quake in the 90’s, Justin reminds him, he was in Japan during the 2011 Fukushima 9.1 Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about Dr. Disrespect making a jump to YouTube but not determined to be a regular streamer with this as his home.

Amanda joins the show and shares some insight to educators and parents and getting information during remote learning. Hooking up a Smartphone to second monitor or tablet is discussed. Broadway jumps on to talk about his studio upgrade and what he has been doing.

Andy talks about a new Movie on HBO Max called An American Pickle with Seth Rogan and the upcoming The One and Only Ivan on Disney +. Shawn tells us about students back on Campus and how they have gotten prepared for that and the technology involved. Justin tries out software from Nikon to use his DSLR as a webcam.

The crew issues warning of giving out too much information when it comes to census and covid-19 info. Broadway tells us about Microsoft Garage and a program he found which allows you to run a mouse on multiple computers over a network! The program is called Mouse without Borders

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New Show – The Chubby Caddy! Mon, 03 Aug 2020 21:52:07 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin starts off after some time off and shares with us a Code Available for GolfPad GPS and Tag System for 15% for an amount of time Code TTR. Justin talks about how it has helped his golf game. Broadway shares how he liked golfing until in his word, he “got fat” and stopped playing. The Guys recommend using his feet rather than a Cart. You never really see a Chubby Caddy.

Tune in to this Weeks Show!

Amanda talks about attending the Virtual Comic Con and what she loved about it and what was missed from the gathering. The guys talk about how the Comic Con had gone from Comic Books and Artist to Movies and Games. Justin talks about Comic Con coming to him when he was working at a TV Station in San Diego. He talks about his photo when he was able to meet Stan Lee.

Amanda gives a great description of Comic Con, “Five Days of Non Stop Nacho’s and Hot Dogs.”

The crew is excited with the recent announcement of G4TV plotting a return for next year. Amanda poses the question, “Who is their content going to be geared at?” Ready Player Two has been announced as the next book from Ernest Cline. Andy shares some info on the Revolution Toaster which he will be looking at for a TV Segment. John shares how he geeked out his kitchen. Andy shares some info on the Music Video for Huey Lewis and the News 8 Bit Characters in the Video for the Song featured in the movie “Animal Crackers”

Amanda tells us about her Sager Laptop and how the Customer Experience has been great! The crew talks about upgrading Gaming Laptops and how they have come along in the past few years. John unfortunately has had issues with parts he ordered from a couple of suppliers without mentioning them, Kind of..

Andy Taylor talks with Editor in Chief Jenni Newman of Cars.Com about the new age of buying a car and the many ways the Website can help with Unbiased News and Reviews by the Cars.Com Staff. Visitors will also find Dealer Ratings and review of the dealerships but also services to the Dealers as well.

Amanda shares a Website of the week as a New Tool which could teach Geography. https://www.geoguessr Justin does have a slight issue with it and shares a warning for parents.

You Are In The Game! A New Episode of TechtalkRadio now Available! Share, Like, Download! Sun, 14 Jun 2020 22:18:50 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin and Andy kick off the show with a discussion with Petr Hudecek of BDay Games. Petr from the Czech Republic visits to tell us the idea and process to create a Video where it is customized to personalize the experience. Petr created the game as a gift for his wife; after others saw it they wanted it for themselves. Jason from Unique Gifts for Guys shared the concept on his website and that’s when the request began pouring in. Petr explains why this is such a Unique gift.

Andy loves News Be Funny on YouTube. A Majority of segments have been with field reporters doing segments interrupted by Dogs Cats and Spouses. Andy has an issue with his Linksys Router and finds himself rebooting it often. Justin tries the 2 Week free trial of YouTubeTV and shares what he thinks about it! How many people are sharing logins with family members to online streaming services?

Justin is intrigued by a project called Neuralink he heard about on the Joe Rogan Experience while talking with Elon Musk. Justin shares some of the finer aspects of what this technology could do and helping in the health aspects of society however Shawn and Andy are a little concerned at what this could do. It could change the educational system. The Guys talk about how to update Google Chrome Manually.

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New Show Posted! – Episode 267 – If It Don’t Fit, I Quit! Mon, 11 May 2020 22:33:27 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about the Stay At Home Orders and now how many are working from home. Zoom has now made us capable of seeing how our coworkers live. This also has caused more bloopers online especially from reporters working from home, Check out the YouTube Link from News Be Funny. Shawn brings up the fact that the equipment can also provide a step up from a low quality web cam.

Justin shares info about doing Wednesday Night Virtual Trivia with OBS Studio for his local Brewery, Bruz Beers. Andy talks with Scott Lien from Grandpad about the company’s solution for Senior Users and how they provide an overall solution for those wanting to stay connected.

Justin and Shawn talk about the Technology of Reporters doing live segments from their homes with the Use of Dejero Hardware. Broadway talks to us about iRacing with NASCAR and explains some of the Technology behind it. Some of the problems that can arise when installing an updated graphics card is case design and Shawn gets one that won’t fit. John says it’s time for Duct Tape and Bubble Gum to get it to stick! The guys talk about some of the many different cases that are available from Cooler Master or Corsair.

Andy has an issue trying to get an HDMI port running on a laptop the company sent him but is apprehensive to do it without bothering Tech Support.

The Guys share some Websites of the Weeks, and Shawn gives a look at, go to software archive and play some old school Dos Video games! Justin remembers Dr. Shrink while John brings up Heretic, and Duke Nukem.

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