In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme, Broadway and Amanda are all together on the show. We share news that Ryan of RyaStream should be coming back on the show soon to talk about Streaming, Video Games and Simulations and what he’s has been doing since he last appeared on the show. A Couple of Weeks ago, we got word that Broadway testing positive for Covid-19. He is recovering and visits the show to talk about what has happened since that diagnoses, how he discovered it and where he felt it could have been contracted. Shawn tells us about covering the Notre Dame vs Clemson game and how many people ran onto the field and now concerns that the number of people which took to the field on the win have alerted health officials. Amanda tells us about Distance Learning and some of the problems that can arise. Justin gives us a status update about his newly purchased TV and the best show he has watched on it. The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1. Amanda tells us about AMSR and how calming the channel can be and how to find it. Justin talks about his FireTV device and how lately it seems to be failing.
The Crew pays respect to the passing of Alex Trebek and Andy shares word that Alex’s last project outside Jeopardy was an appearance in Free Guy, and upcoming movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Lots of talk about people checking out Parler. Shawn is still off Social Media and talks about how refreshing the step back has been.
The talk focuses on the Xbox and with the release this week, which one to chose from. A Walk down memory lane has everybody sharing the first console experiences. Andy talks about iOS 14.2 out now and how some have found the Secret Button, Back Tap. Justin shares a website, Nasa’s Interactive Fire Map. A map which shows any wildfires throughout the world.
]]>In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Justin Shawn DeWeerd and John Broadway, open the show with a talk about Andy’s Air Conditioning going out. The guys talk about how technology has become a part of the Air Conditioning systems and controlling it with the Nest Thermostat. Shawn talks about the upcoming Wyze Thermostat. Monitoring with video is also discussed and while the guys haven’t been happy with the Ring Video Doorbell system Andy has been talking about the Nest Cameras he has on his garage and how he caught a bird dive into his parked vehicle and knock himself out.
Shawn mentions the Wyze Doorbell Camera, yet Justin wonders how it is possible. Justin wonders if there is a correlation to Tik Toc to provide data. Shawn tells us however about the background of Wyze and why they are rooted from former engineers from Amazon that wanted to provide technology at an affordable price. The guys talk about the reasons they liked and disliked Tik Toc. The guys talk about Podcast and how the length of time in those shows has increased to almost 2 hours. Andy gives props to a couple of shows he likes BoxOfficeQBs and The Paul and Griff Show.
John gets himself a new Microphone, he gets the Aston Stealth Microphone and loves it. He talks about the setup for him to record. Shawn gets the Nikon D850 and shares what he loves about it.
Andy tells about a new feature in Photoshop, Sky Replacement, that will be featured at the Adobe Max Conference on the 20th of October. Andy gives Dreamweaver CC a try and loves it noticing how much faster it is then the 5.5 Version he has been using. Microsoft starts doing presales for the upcoming Xbox and there were lots of problems with the ordering. Justin explains why the issues popped up.
Director of Digital Marketing Josh Mortensen for AtGames visits the show to talk about some new products coming from the Company. Josh tells us about the Arcades Legends Ultimate, which is now available, 300 titles in a full stand up arcade game. Andy loves a lot of the features including the amount of titles and the facts that the machines are internet enabled. For those games with trackballs like Missile Command, the stand-up includes a trackball. Josh also tells us about Arcade Net which can ad games. Also available is the Gamer Pro which allows you to connect directly to your Big Screen TV and play your favorite games.
Andy talks about and demonstrates the translation tool in the new iOS14.
]]>In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about the Stay At Home Orders and now how many are working from home. Zoom has now made us capable of seeing how our coworkers live. This also has caused more bloopers online especially from reporters working from home, Check out the YouTube Link from News Be Funny. Shawn brings up the fact that the equipment can also provide a step up from a low quality web cam.
Justin shares info about doing Wednesday Night Virtual Trivia with OBS Studio for his local Brewery, Bruz Beers. Andy talks with Scott Lien from Grandpad about the company’s solution for Senior Users and how they provide an overall solution for those wanting to stay connected.
Justin and Shawn talk about the Technology of Reporters doing live segments from their homes with the Use of Dejero Hardware. Broadway talks to us about iRacing with NASCAR and explains some of the Technology behind it. Some of the problems that can arise when installing an updated graphics card is case design and Shawn gets one that won’t fit. John says it’s time for Duct Tape and Bubble Gum to get it to stick! The guys talk about some of the many different cases that are available from Cooler Master or Corsair.
Andy has an issue trying to get an HDMI port running on a laptop the company sent him but is apprehensive to do it without bothering Tech Support.
The Guys share some Websites of the Weeks, and Shawn gives a look at, go to software archive and play some old school Dos Video games! Justin remembers Dr. Shrink while John brings up Heretic, and Duke Nukem.
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In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor open up to talk about the latest on Computers, Technology and the Internet. The guys talk about some of the information that has opened up regarding Covid 19. The Closures of schools has Shawn sharing information how this has affected the Universities. We learn how professors are using the Panopto Video Platform to conduct online lessons with Global Classrooms. How is this technically being done? Are there benefits to this new style of learning? Businesses have been hit hard with closures and families are affected with the lack of childcare available for working parents.
The guys talk about the dangers of searching online for Covid 19 information and as always they recommend checking out which is the official website for The Centers for Disease Control. Lots of offers are available to the public for Entertainment, Streaming Channels, Internet Companies and even the educational versions of Software. The guys talk about hardware within the home and upgrading to get the most out of the connection. Churches have jumped to the opportunity to stream their services and some not having the equipment to do it. Shawn tells us about ChurchStreaming.TV that provides a home for Houses of Worship to stream to.
Andy ask Justin about his 3D Printer and how could the printer be used to make materials for health care and what are the differences in materials. Justin talks about how this isn’t as easy as setting it up. Shawn shares his Gremlin Drone taking a flight that he put together from last week. He takes a flight and crashes it! We learn a little about how to get one and to get the most out of flying.
Justin tells us about finally deciding to drop the Ring Doorbell which he has, Andy has had the same issues. Justin orders the Nest Hello Doorbell Cam. Justin talks about hooking the new Nest up and how much faster it was then the Ring System. Is there any downside to it?
For our Websites of the Week, Andy Taylor shares, a site for fun projects for kids and Shawn DeWeerd shares the site he found called which looks for alternatives to programs
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For this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin and Andy take a look at some changes Shawn made to the ATEM Mini from Black Magic Design and how the software for the Unit can give some added features he gives us a look at in the Video posted to the Blog and Website. Andy has wanted to do a segment on KMSB Fox 11 on Mini Form factor computers. Andy tells us about reaching out to MinisForum to take a look at the Mini Desktop only to be told by PR, go buy one! With the budget on the show he then reached out to Zotac which also produces Mini Desktop computers. The Marketing wizards responded with some questions which Andy answered and…They disappeared, never responding. Disappointed Andy decided to buy a Mini Desktop and went ahead and bought the ACE PC T11. A Mini Form Factor PC running Windows 10, Andy talks about the T11 and some of the reasons he is glad he went with this unit. Upgradability on the Storage, 4 USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet Port, MicroSD Slot, Included HDMI Cable and a VGA port are just a few of the reasons, the pricing was only at $140!
The guys talk about the difference between the Raspberry PI Micro Computer and the Mini Form Factor in the Ace PC T11. Cnet shared a story about the Brave Browser and how many users are beginning to take a look at the features on this free browser. Shawn told us about this a few weeks ago and answers some questions regarding the ad and track blocking browser. Many users have been searching for info on Corona Virus, Covid-19 and that has opened up non reputable sites with disinformation and to get malware on users systems. Broadway reminds us to be careful with Vanity Websites. Andy reminds us the website for the CDC is CDC.Gov.
The guys talk about the Plex Server and while the service makes it possible to have many features Shawn talks about the downsides of connecting from Outside the Network. A Big question on digital privacy is opened up and Justin at this point has pretty much said maybe we are too concerned. The Guys play a round of Name That Term with Justin asking the guys to find the answer to the acronym, A Fun Segment! Just hearing Broadways frustrations is memorable!
For our Website of the Week, Justin shares with the guys a site they didn’t know about and are super happy to hear it is on the Web. Gary Larson the man behind the Far Side has never really embraced the web and is now sharing his funny looks at life at
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