Legal – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Sat, 20 Jul 2024 19:37:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 Upgrading Old Tech on a Stormy Day! Radio Show Sat, 20 Jul 2024 19:37:13 +0000 Read More]]>

For this week’s TechtalkRadio show, Shawn DeWeerd in his Bucc-ees gear and Andy Taylor discussed the latest advancements in technology. Shawn shared his recent trip to Canada, where he visited Evertz, a broadcast vendor looking ahead to the next five years in broadcast technology. He mentioned that they’ve been using EXE 1.0 with great success, but after a seven-year process, it’s time to focus on the future.

Shawn and Andy delved into the evolution of broadcast technology, particularly the transition from analog to digital, and the potential roles of 8K and 4K in the broadcast spectrum. Shawn explained that 1080P HDR offers excellent quality with less bandwidth compared to 8K and 4K.

Andy, considering switching from Cable TV to YouTube TV, raised the concern about rising internet service prices as more users cut the cord. Both agreed that price increases are likely. Andy then updated listeners on his efforts to upgrade a machine to Windows 11. He discussed the TPM 2.0 module he purchased to facilitate the upgrade on his six-year-old system and emphasized the importance of using the PC Health Check tool on Windows 10 to prepare for Windows 11. Despite his excitement over the new TPM 2.0 and a new motherboard case, Andy discovered that his Intel i7 6600 processor isn’t on the list of certified processors for Windows 11 and no processors on the approved list will fit the Asus Z170A Motherboard. While it is something to gripe about, Shawn stressed the importance of security in the newer generation processors, even though it’s challenging, for future Windows versions.

During the show, Shawn, located in South Bend, IN, had to attend to a weather situation. After a break, he returned to discuss the NOAA Weather Radio and the Radar Omega app, which tracks storms and storm chasers. The app costs around $8 and provides live streaming from storm chasers.

Andy decided to explore Wubuntu, a Linux distribution resembling Windows 11. Although a review he read wasn’t favorable, there have even been warnings posting about installing it. While Andy says he has enjoyed the process now he is considering trying Neptune, a Debian Linux distribution.

Shawn shared his experience updating an old iPod Touch through Moonlit.Market, which gives new life to outdated tech. He also tells us about Elite Obsolete Electronics (EOE), a site for finding hard-to-get parts for a wide array of gear, available on the web at

This week’s show wraps with Andy sharing news about Redbox and Crackle’s going away as highlighted in this Variety Article Link, while Shawn is surprised by the longevity of Homestar Runner, a game from 20 years ago that continues to release new content.

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New Show Posted Episode 302 Tue, 08 Jun 2021 23:08:05 +0000 Read More]]>

EPISODE 302: Wading in the Water and Not Getting Wet

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, its Andy Taylor and Justin Lemme on the show. Shawn is on the Road for a Getaway and the guys talk about doing road trips and the Technology that goes with it. Andy ask Justin if he uses the Apps for Trip Planning or Gas Cost when RoadTripping. The guys talk about the Ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline and what measures companies are taking in protecting their data. Justin and Andy talk about Phishing done to get information and why caution should be used in Social Media Questionnaires.

Justin has been trying out the Oculus Quest 2 and loves it. He tells us some of the fun experiences he has with it. One that he really likes is RealVR Fishing, super basic but a fun relaxing experience. Wear Glasses? Justin talks about how that works with the Oculus Quest 2.

Andy Taylor talks with Doug Little from Wacom about the recent introduction of the One by Wacom and how it fits so well into Education. Justin gives us the Website of the Week, for Golfers that want to keep an eye on the Golf Handicap.

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New Show Posted! – Episode 267 – If It Don’t Fit, I Quit! Mon, 11 May 2020 22:33:27 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about the Stay At Home Orders and now how many are working from home. Zoom has now made us capable of seeing how our coworkers live. This also has caused more bloopers online especially from reporters working from home, Check out the YouTube Link from News Be Funny. Shawn brings up the fact that the equipment can also provide a step up from a low quality web cam.

Justin shares info about doing Wednesday Night Virtual Trivia with OBS Studio for his local Brewery, Bruz Beers. Andy talks with Scott Lien from Grandpad about the company’s solution for Senior Users and how they provide an overall solution for those wanting to stay connected.

Justin and Shawn talk about the Technology of Reporters doing live segments from their homes with the Use of Dejero Hardware. Broadway talks to us about iRacing with NASCAR and explains some of the Technology behind it. Some of the problems that can arise when installing an updated graphics card is case design and Shawn gets one that won’t fit. John says it’s time for Duct Tape and Bubble Gum to get it to stick! The guys talk about some of the many different cases that are available from Cooler Master or Corsair.

Andy has an issue trying to get an HDMI port running on a laptop the company sent him but is apprehensive to do it without bothering Tech Support.

The Guys share some Websites of the Weeks, and Shawn gives a look at, go to software archive and play some old school Dos Video games! Justin remembers Dr. Shrink while John brings up Heretic, and Duke Nukem.

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Today’s TechBlast 07/29/2015 Wed, 29 Jul 2015 15:43:21 +0000 Read More]]> In Today’s TechBlast – Microsoft Windows 10 is Here, Whose Joke is it anyways? The Motorola X Style new Smartphone has an Impressive Feature List!

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GAO Office report on WiFi in Aircraft – Could it be secure? Wed, 15 Apr 2015 15:10:53 +0000 Read More]]> As more of us want the freedom to use WiFi and services while we fly, yesterday’s GAO Report can be a bit scary as far as Security and Safety when traveling on Commercial Aircraft. The Threat is realized and movement to find a safer more secure system is working.

Be sure to Check out our story at

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