Logitech – Official TechtalkRadio Blog https://blog.techtalkradio.com The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:14:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 63714750 New Show Added! Episode 313 – Taking Out The Polaroid! https://blog.techtalkradio.com/new-show-added-episode-313-taking-out-the-polaroid/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-show-added-episode-313-taking-out-the-polaroid Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:14:23 +0000 https://blog.techtalkradio.com/?p=8002 Read More]]>

In this week’s show, Shawn, Broadway, and Andy share some reasons for the recent downturn in Crypto and what may have fueled this. El Salvador decides to adopt Crypto as a form of currency and when they gift the citizens digital currency, the citizens opt to pull the money out and use it rather then left it grow. This could be a fueling of that downturn. Andy’s Daughter Scarlett has been creating artwork and John shares info on how it could be used as an NFT to increase her exposure and even sell some of her creations. John recommends OpenSea.IO and explains the process would require a Digital Wallet and shares info on MetaMask. John also shares the darker sides though of transactions and reminds us it is The Wild West.

Shawn shares info on a new microphone he picked up at a great price. The Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft USB Edition. While Blizzard has been dealing with a PR Nightmare, Logitech G The Parent company of Blue has been selling these at an amazing price and the sound quality is top notch. Later in the Show, Shawn gives us an Audio Demonstration of the settings for the microphone. Shawn also shares his love for Cameras and purchases a new Version of The Polaroid Now Camera and breaks down why and how it works. Shawn also tells us about the Polaroid Go and how much smaller it is then the Polaroid Now. Andy shares a device he purchased from Amazon which looks like a regular quality Ink Pen however it is fitted with an Audio Recorder to record meetings and conversations. Top Gun Maverick has been once again delayed now till Memorial Day, May 27th of 2022. The announcement of the moving of the release date for Top Gun Maverick has now also moved the Top Gun Expansion Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.

Apple announces they will be holding an Apple Event on the 14th, and many are speculating it could be the 4 different rumored versions of the iPhone 13. The crew talks about the discussion about Satellite delivered signal and what that could mean. Broadway shares with us why he may not want to be connected in rural areas that have no service. Andy tells us about a story out of Samsung and South Africa where a Riot occurred, and TVs were looted from a Warehouse. Technology on these TV’s is enabling them to be shut down once on and connected to the Net, basically bricking the sets. John tells us how technology has a Management Information Base and with this gives the Manufacturers the ability to shut them down.

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New Show Posted Episode 302 https://blog.techtalkradio.com/new-show-posted-episode-302/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-show-posted-episode-302 Tue, 08 Jun 2021 23:08:05 +0000 https://blog.techtalkradio.com/?p=7954 Read More]]>

EPISODE 302: Wading in the Water and Not Getting Wet

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, its Andy Taylor and Justin Lemme on the show. Shawn is on the Road for a Getaway and the guys talk about doing road trips and the Technology that goes with it. Andy ask Justin if he uses the Apps for Trip Planning or Gas Cost when RoadTripping. The guys talk about the Ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline and what measures companies are taking in protecting their data. Justin and Andy talk about Phishing done to get information and why caution should be used in Social Media Questionnaires.

Justin has been trying out the Oculus Quest 2 and loves it. He tells us some of the fun experiences he has with it. One that he really likes is RealVR Fishing, super basic but a fun relaxing experience. Wear Glasses? Justin talks about how that works with the Oculus Quest 2.

Andy Taylor talks with Doug Little from Wacom about the recent introduction of the One by Wacom and how it fits so well into Education. Justin gives us the Website of the Week, https://www.ghin.com for Golfers that want to keep an eye on the Golf Handicap.

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KMSB Fox 11 Segment with Andy Taylor – A Viewer Request for Mechanical Keyboards https://blog.techtalkradio.com/kmsb-fox-11-segment-with-andy-taylor-a-viewer-request-for-mechanical-keyboards/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kmsb-fox-11-segment-with-andy-taylor-a-viewer-request-for-mechanical-keyboards Thu, 27 May 2021 22:08:57 +0000 https://blog.techtalkradio.com/?p=7935 Read More]]>

Our segment today actually came as the idea from a Viewer of the Segments on Fox 11. He had mentioned how the keyboards for computers were all smaller and not as easy to use, this focusing on the Older User – Also that they weren’t looking at a Wireless Solution.  So we have gathered a couple of alternatives that are easy to use, corded and a very nice touch when typing.

One of the Products to look at is from Logitech G, the Gaming Division of the company.  Just like Gaming Chairs can be used for Comfort and not always for Gaming, Logitech G has some great products from Headphones to Mice to Keyboards for Gamers AND the Casual User. We look at the Logitech G Pro Keyboard. QA Compact Ten Keyless Keyboard which has a great feel for the user when typing. You know you hit the correct keys and honestly, I found my typing even faster with this keyboard. It is Smaller yet with a Big Key Feel. Many of us don’t need the Extra Real Estate from 10 keys so they are eliminated. It features the GX Clicky Mechanical Switches Full Height and gives a better experience when typing. It is Colorful too, you can program the light pattern with the Free HG Hub Software to suit your taste and the keys can be altered for Linear or Tactile use, I prefer the mechanical feel.   Another great feature, the 5 ft Cable is detachable and can be easily carried in a gaming or laptop bag to use instead of that Laptop Keyboard. The F Keys are Programmable as well great for Gaming or even repetitive typing task. It retails for about 129.00

A little less expensive from another company that carries product for the casual user and the gamer is Razer. They produce the Ornata Chroma Keyboard. This also features a Mechanical Touch Key Switches Mid Height, Backlit keys and can be programmed easily with the  Razor Cortex Software. It is a little larger then the Logitech G Pro but does feature the 10 Key and the Cord is not detachable. The Light scheme can be customized as well and the keyboard can be set up for gamers to get the best use of the keyboard with the layout for that game. The Razer Ornata Chroma sells for about 70.00 You Can check out the line of products at Razer.Com

Latest Radio Show! Episode 291 – It’s a Mandalorian Thing…You Wouldn’t Understand! https://blog.techtalkradio.com/latest-radio-show-episode-291-its-a-mandalorian-thing-you-wouldnt-understand/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=latest-radio-show-episode-291-its-a-mandalorian-thing-you-wouldnt-understand Tue, 24 Nov 2020 00:59:19 +0000 https://blog.techtalkradio.com/?p=7877 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme, Broadway and Amanda are all together on the show. We share news that Ryan of RyaStream should be coming back on the show soon to talk about Streaming, Video Games and Simulations and what he’s has been doing since he last appeared on the show. A Couple of Weeks ago, we got word that Broadway testing positive for Covid-19. He is recovering and visits the show to talk about what has happened since that diagnoses, how he discovered it and where he felt it could have been contracted. Shawn tells us about covering the Notre Dame vs Clemson game and how many people ran onto the field and now concerns that the number of people which took to the field on the win have alerted health officials. Amanda tells us about Distance Learning and some of the problems that can arise. Justin gives us a status update about his newly purchased TV and the best show he has watched on it. The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1. Amanda tells us about AMSR and how calming the channel can be and how to find it. Justin talks about his FireTV device and how lately it seems to be failing.

The Crew pays respect to the passing of Alex Trebek and Andy shares word that Alex’s last project outside Jeopardy was an appearance in Free Guy, and upcoming movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Lots of talk about people checking out Parler. Shawn is still off Social Media and talks about how refreshing the step back has been.

The talk focuses on the Xbox and with the release this week, which one to chose from. A Walk down memory lane has everybody sharing the first console experiences. Andy talks about iOS 14.2 out now and how some have found the Secret Button, Back Tap. Justin shares a website, Nasa’s Interactive Fire Map. A map which shows any wildfires throughout the world.

New Show Posted! Mailing Meatballs! https://blog.techtalkradio.com/new-show-posted-mailing-meatballs/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-show-posted-mailing-meatballs Sun, 23 Aug 2020 23:05:46 +0000 https://blog.techtalkradio.com/?p=7845 Read More]]>

EPISODE 282: Mailing Meatballs!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, The guys talk about Broadway building out his studio for streaming and audio but going old school by filling his walls with egg cartons to absorb the sound.

Photo of the Studios with Egg Crates for Sound
Broadways Studio with egg crates for sound absorption!

Shawn is under a severe weather watch during the show and we talk about storms and earthquakes, while andy has thought he lived through the big Landers 7.1 Quake in the 90’s, Justin reminds him, he was in Japan during the 2011 Fukushima 9.1 Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about Dr. Disrespect making a jump to YouTube but not determined to be a regular streamer with this as his home.

Amanda joins the show and shares some insight to educators and parents and getting information during remote learning. Hooking up a Smartphone to second monitor or tablet is discussed. Broadway jumps on to talk about his studio upgrade and what he has been doing.

Andy talks about a new Movie on HBO Max called An American Pickle with Seth Rogan and the upcoming The One and Only Ivan on Disney +. Shawn tells us about students back on Campus and how they have gotten prepared for that and the technology involved. Justin tries out software from Nikon to use his DSLR as a webcam.

The crew issues warning of giving out too much information when it comes to census and covid-19 info. Broadway tells us about Microsoft Garage and a program he found which allows you to run a mouse on multiple computers over a network! The program is called Mouse without Borders

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