Media Center – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:14:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 New Show Added! Episode 313 – Taking Out The Polaroid! Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:14:23 +0000 Read More]]>

In this week’s show, Shawn, Broadway, and Andy share some reasons for the recent downturn in Crypto and what may have fueled this. El Salvador decides to adopt Crypto as a form of currency and when they gift the citizens digital currency, the citizens opt to pull the money out and use it rather then left it grow. This could be a fueling of that downturn. Andy’s Daughter Scarlett has been creating artwork and John shares info on how it could be used as an NFT to increase her exposure and even sell some of her creations. John recommends OpenSea.IO and explains the process would require a Digital Wallet and shares info on MetaMask. John also shares the darker sides though of transactions and reminds us it is The Wild West.

Shawn shares info on a new microphone he picked up at a great price. The Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft USB Edition. While Blizzard has been dealing with a PR Nightmare, Logitech G The Parent company of Blue has been selling these at an amazing price and the sound quality is top notch. Later in the Show, Shawn gives us an Audio Demonstration of the settings for the microphone. Shawn also shares his love for Cameras and purchases a new Version of The Polaroid Now Camera and breaks down why and how it works. Shawn also tells us about the Polaroid Go and how much smaller it is then the Polaroid Now. Andy shares a device he purchased from Amazon which looks like a regular quality Ink Pen however it is fitted with an Audio Recorder to record meetings and conversations. Top Gun Maverick has been once again delayed now till Memorial Day, May 27th of 2022. The announcement of the moving of the release date for Top Gun Maverick has now also moved the Top Gun Expansion Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.

Apple announces they will be holding an Apple Event on the 14th, and many are speculating it could be the 4 different rumored versions of the iPhone 13. The crew talks about the discussion about Satellite delivered signal and what that could mean. Broadway shares with us why he may not want to be connected in rural areas that have no service. Andy tells us about a story out of Samsung and South Africa where a Riot occurred, and TVs were looted from a Warehouse. Technology on these TV’s is enabling them to be shut down once on and connected to the Net, basically bricking the sets. John tells us how technology has a Management Information Base and with this gives the Manufacturers the ability to shut them down.

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Latest Radio Show! Episode 291 – It’s a Mandalorian Thing…You Wouldn’t Understand! Tue, 24 Nov 2020 00:59:19 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme, Broadway and Amanda are all together on the show. We share news that Ryan of RyaStream should be coming back on the show soon to talk about Streaming, Video Games and Simulations and what he’s has been doing since he last appeared on the show. A Couple of Weeks ago, we got word that Broadway testing positive for Covid-19. He is recovering and visits the show to talk about what has happened since that diagnoses, how he discovered it and where he felt it could have been contracted. Shawn tells us about covering the Notre Dame vs Clemson game and how many people ran onto the field and now concerns that the number of people which took to the field on the win have alerted health officials. Amanda tells us about Distance Learning and some of the problems that can arise. Justin gives us a status update about his newly purchased TV and the best show he has watched on it. The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1. Amanda tells us about AMSR and how calming the channel can be and how to find it. Justin talks about his FireTV device and how lately it seems to be failing.

The Crew pays respect to the passing of Alex Trebek and Andy shares word that Alex’s last project outside Jeopardy was an appearance in Free Guy, and upcoming movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Lots of talk about people checking out Parler. Shawn is still off Social Media and talks about how refreshing the step back has been.

The talk focuses on the Xbox and with the release this week, which one to chose from. A Walk down memory lane has everybody sharing the first console experiences. Andy talks about iOS 14.2 out now and how some have found the Secret Button, Back Tap. Justin shares a website, Nasa’s Interactive Fire Map. A map which shows any wildfires throughout the world.

Instagram goes Landscape AND Kicks it off with a New Star Wars Preview Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:16:48 +0000 Read More]]>

There has been an awakening… #StarWars #TheForceAwakens

A video posted by Star Wars (@starwars) on

Be Sure to Check out our Instagram @techtalkradio

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Star Wars Digital Downloads – Just what are the Extras? Wed, 08 Apr 2015 04:50:21 +0000 Read More]]>
Star Wars Digital Download Available 4102015
Banner for the Star Wars Digital Movie Collection

There is going to be a great deal of complaints from some of the fans of the Star Wars franchise who would love to see the Original Star Wars films released “As Is”

This would include the 1977 Era capabilities of visual effects which even for its time were handled so perfectly. I have already read some twitter post and facebook comments that the “Originals” should be released and even though the story itself doesn’t change some would like to relive the experience of sitting in the theaters back from 1977 through Return of the Jedi with the films as they saw it.

For me, it was Star Wars, it was the Edwards Newport Theater on a Sunday Afternoon. I didn’t even want to see this movie! My parents dropped me off  and made me see it. For everybody, that same description came from that opening sequence, the jaw dropping Star Destroyer flying over head and the complete confusion of not knowing what was happening. Later I would learn from a TED Talk with JJ Abrams – This is what “That Box” is all about. Another reason I am so excited JJ is shooting the latest film.

Some will still want that original experience, an argument that will probably continue for years to come.

When George Lucas set out for the first Star Wars film, there were limitations as to what could be done. It was a huge undertaking that almost cause the halt in production of the film due to its budget. I’ve heard stories of the power struggle at Fox during the production and the story behind the scenes is equally as interesting as the tale of Luke Skywalker in a galaxy far far away.

I have always wanted to see the Star Wars films at home in the High Definition technology of today. I am very happy that Fox, Disney and Lucasfilm have agreed to partner and make these remastered Digital Downloads available and from what I have seen preview wise, it is amazing!

Another nice feature of these Digital Downloads will be the extra’s that come with it.


*Digital bonus offerings may vary by retailer          

STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace

  • Conversations: Doug Chiang Looks Back
  • Discoveries From Inside: Models & Miniatures
  • Legacy content includes “The Beginning”; The Podrace: Theatrical Edit;plus eight deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE II:  Attack of the Clones

  • Conversations: Sounds In Space
  • Discoveries From Inside: Costumes Revealed
  • Legacy content includes “From Puppets To Pixels: Digital Characters In Episode II”; State Of The Art: The Previsualization Of Episode II; and “Films Are Not Released, They Escape”; plus Episode II Visual Effects Breakdown Montage and six deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Conversations: The Star Wars That Almost Was
  • Discoveries From Inside: Hologram & Bloopers
  • Legacy content includes documentaries “Within A Minute: The Making Of Episode III”; The Journey Part 1; and The Journey Part 2; plus six deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A New Hope (20th Century Fox)

  • Conversations: Creating A Universe
  • Discoveries From Inside: Weapons & The First Lightsaber
  • Legacy content includes “Anatomy Of A Dewback”; Star Wars Launch Trailer; plus eight deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Conversations: The Lost Interviews
  • Discoveries From Inside: Matte Paintings Unveiled
  • Legacy content includes “A Conversation With The Masters” (2010); “Dennis Muren: How Walkers Walk”; “George Lucas On Editing The Empire Strikes Back 1979”; and “George Lucas On The Force: 2010”; plus six deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Conversations: The Effects
  • Discoveries From Inside: The Sounds Of Ben Burtt
  • Legacy content includes “Classic Creatures: Return Of The Jedi”; “Revenge Of The Jedi Teaser Trailer”; Return Of The Jedi Launch Trailer; “It Began TV Spot”; “Climactic Chapter TV Spot”; plus five deleted scenes.

I am looking forward to seeing them all again, even updated – its the story the films tell that will continue to entertain for years to come.

Andy Taylor

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KMSB Fox 11 09/08/2014 Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:31:40 +0000 Read More]]>

Thanks for checking out our most recent KMSB Fox 11 Segment! In this weeks segment we take a look at the DXG IronX Action Camera. This Sturdy small action camera is packed with features for the Action Enthusiast. 1920×1280 HD Capture at 60fps and for those in intense action, 120fps at 1280×780! Capture High definition stills and video and easily controlled through a Wi-Fi Connection to the Phone or paired with the included Watch which allows for easy capturing of video in action with a simple press of a record button.

The IronX Action Camera
A Photo of the IronX Action Camera from DXG

Waterproof to a depth of about 60 meters, the IronX is an affordable solution with high quality. See more at 

Also featured is the Muvee Reveal 11 Software program for creating stunning montages and video presentations easily. No heavy video editing experience required and with many options for output, the Reveal 11 program is a must have for anybody looking to create videos! Try it with a Demo at 

For More Reviews and Interviews – Be sure to Check out 


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