Review – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:14:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 New Show Added! Episode 313 – Taking Out The Polaroid! Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:14:23 +0000 Read More]]>

In this week’s show, Shawn, Broadway, and Andy share some reasons for the recent downturn in Crypto and what may have fueled this. El Salvador decides to adopt Crypto as a form of currency and when they gift the citizens digital currency, the citizens opt to pull the money out and use it rather then left it grow. This could be a fueling of that downturn. Andy’s Daughter Scarlett has been creating artwork and John shares info on how it could be used as an NFT to increase her exposure and even sell some of her creations. John recommends OpenSea.IO and explains the process would require a Digital Wallet and shares info on MetaMask. John also shares the darker sides though of transactions and reminds us it is The Wild West.

Shawn shares info on a new microphone he picked up at a great price. The Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft USB Edition. While Blizzard has been dealing with a PR Nightmare, Logitech G The Parent company of Blue has been selling these at an amazing price and the sound quality is top notch. Later in the Show, Shawn gives us an Audio Demonstration of the settings for the microphone. Shawn also shares his love for Cameras and purchases a new Version of The Polaroid Now Camera and breaks down why and how it works. Shawn also tells us about the Polaroid Go and how much smaller it is then the Polaroid Now. Andy shares a device he purchased from Amazon which looks like a regular quality Ink Pen however it is fitted with an Audio Recorder to record meetings and conversations. Top Gun Maverick has been once again delayed now till Memorial Day, May 27th of 2022. The announcement of the moving of the release date for Top Gun Maverick has now also moved the Top Gun Expansion Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.

Apple announces they will be holding an Apple Event on the 14th, and many are speculating it could be the 4 different rumored versions of the iPhone 13. The crew talks about the discussion about Satellite delivered signal and what that could mean. Broadway shares with us why he may not want to be connected in rural areas that have no service. Andy tells us about a story out of Samsung and South Africa where a Riot occurred, and TVs were looted from a Warehouse. Technology on these TV’s is enabling them to be shut down once on and connected to the Net, basically bricking the sets. John tells us how technology has a Management Information Base and with this gives the Manufacturers the ability to shut them down.

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The Latest Show – Shawn The Lobster Mon, 21 Jun 2021 04:22:06 +0000 Read More]]>

In this week’s show, Shawn takes a trip to the Lake and gets into the water and forgets to reapply the Sunscreen, this gives him a lobster type look. This has the guys talking about the Weather Apps on the Market and which ones are the best. Shawn and Justin talk about Weather Underground and the NOAA App. For 2.99 a year, Weather Underground is a good solution. The guys talk about the latest revelations of the latest Ransomware attack which opens the discussion on password management. What is a VPN? How do IT Managers work with VPN and should 2 Factor Authentication be used. Shawn tells us about Microsoft Flight Simulator coming to Xbox in July and the DLC for Top Gun Maverick. Turtle Beach introduces the VelocityOne Flight for flying with the Xbox pr PC and it looks Amazing!
Andy misses Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator and Justin recommends DCSWorld for a more military style flight sim. Nintendo has a Treehouse event during the Virtual E3, and we will be talking about on Next Week’s Show. Diablo 2 has been announced as being reintroduced.

Microsoft makes the announcement that Windows 10 Support will end in 2025. The guys talk about how this will be the next step in the evolution of the OS for what is to be announced on the 24th. When it comes to the Microsoft Windows Platforms the crew talks about the ones they liked and what frustrated most people. The Latest Windows 10 Update has some really frustrated users. The guys talk about what they would love to see with a new Windows Operating System. Driver Support is one we would all love to see, Justin talks about that alternative, Driver Easy.

Justin talks about the RTX 3080 Video card and still not being able to get his hands on one. Digital Currency Mining and Elon are discussed with Justin sharing his disappointment in statements made by Musk. Shawn and Justin offering different views when it comes to doing 3D print jobs for other people. Shawn talks about Sony and the Airpeak S1 Drone with a price of 9k yet, he loves some of the testing and capabilities of the drone which includes foldable landing gear.

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New Show Posted! – Episode 267 – If It Don’t Fit, I Quit! Mon, 11 May 2020 22:33:27 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about the Stay At Home Orders and now how many are working from home. Zoom has now made us capable of seeing how our coworkers live. This also has caused more bloopers online especially from reporters working from home, Check out the YouTube Link from News Be Funny. Shawn brings up the fact that the equipment can also provide a step up from a low quality web cam.

Justin shares info about doing Wednesday Night Virtual Trivia with OBS Studio for his local Brewery, Bruz Beers. Andy talks with Scott Lien from Grandpad about the company’s solution for Senior Users and how they provide an overall solution for those wanting to stay connected.

Justin and Shawn talk about the Technology of Reporters doing live segments from their homes with the Use of Dejero Hardware. Broadway talks to us about iRacing with NASCAR and explains some of the Technology behind it. Some of the problems that can arise when installing an updated graphics card is case design and Shawn gets one that won’t fit. John says it’s time for Duct Tape and Bubble Gum to get it to stick! The guys talk about some of the many different cases that are available from Cooler Master or Corsair.

Andy has an issue trying to get an HDMI port running on a laptop the company sent him but is apprehensive to do it without bothering Tech Support.

The Guys share some Websites of the Weeks, and Shawn gives a look at, go to software archive and play some old school Dos Video games! Justin remembers Dr. Shrink while John brings up Heretic, and Duke Nukem.

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New Show Posted! Did I Forget My Pants Again!? Fri, 01 May 2020 03:32:06 +0000 Read More]]> Or….John Stamos is Cool

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about our changing environments during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Justin has redone his Studio at Home and it’s impressive. Justins Studio

The guys talk about how they are currently working from Home. Justin has some time to reconfigure his computer and install his recently purchased RTX2080 TI Graphics Card. Justin notices though after some intense gaming with Red Dead Redemption 2, the heat factor increases rather high. Broadway shares a recommendation for helping the heat in the system flow better.

Broadway tells us about relocation to Austin Texas where he is doing the show from. The guys note the pandemic has delayed shipping from Amazon with very few items available for next day delivery.

Shawn still goes into his work during this to assist the Instructors at the University for Off Site Education. We learn a little about some of the Technology behind making this work. Streaming has been very important to Churches across the country for staying in touch with the Congregation. There have been some issues trying to get the hardware to stream the services. The Film Distribution business has been changed in light of the pandemic with Theaters upset at film companies streaming first run movies. The guys talk about backgrounds when video conferencing and some points to consider when on a conference meeting. Broadway wants to know who is on Justin’s wall in his newly located studio. We get the story of the photo of Stan Lee and an autographed Tupac California Luv 12 Inch Single. We also hear about the photo of John Stamos as Justin says, John Stamos is Cool; Andy has a back story about Stamos.

Andy Taylor buys himself a new High Speed Modem after realizing he wasn’t getting the full speed for his service plan. After taking a look at SpeedTest.Net, Andy drops the Motorola Surfboard SB6183 and purchases the Netgear CM1000 with fantastic results. The guys share some tips when running Speedtest.

The guys talk about the Ethics of Video Conferencing and the importance of wearing pants. Shawn tells us about Jennifer, a Zoom Fail, who forgot she was on video conference and made a bathroom visit. Another problem for some is eating during conference video meetings.

The guys wrap up the show with the new Call of Duty Warzone, a Battle Royale based game, which has been very successful. Justin shares the Website of The Week,

New Show Added! “The Great Yawn” or Can They Make it Any Smaller!? Mon, 09 Mar 2020 02:51:10 +0000 Read More]]>

For this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin and Andy take a look at some changes Shawn made to the ATEM Mini from Black Magic Design and how the software for the Unit can give some added features he gives us a look at in the Video posted to the Blog and Website. Andy has wanted to do a segment on KMSB Fox 11 on Mini Form factor computers. Andy tells us about reaching out to MinisForum to take a look at the Mini Desktop only to be told by PR, go buy one! With the budget on the show he then reached out to Zotac which also produces Mini Desktop computers. The Marketing wizards responded with some questions which Andy answered and…They disappeared, never responding. Disappointed Andy decided to buy a Mini Desktop and went ahead and bought the ACE PC T11. A Mini Form Factor PC running Windows 10, Andy talks about the T11 and some of the reasons he is glad he went with this unit. Upgradability on the Storage, 4 USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet Port, MicroSD Slot, Included HDMI Cable and a VGA port are just a few of the reasons, the pricing was only at $140!

Check out Our Beginning Segment from This Weeks Show

The guys talk about the difference between the Raspberry PI Micro Computer and the Mini Form Factor in the Ace PC T11. Cnet shared a story about the Brave Browser and how many users are beginning to take a look at the features on this free browser. Shawn told us about this a few weeks ago and answers some questions regarding the ad and track blocking browser. Many users have been searching for info on Corona Virus, Covid-19 and that has opened up non reputable sites with disinformation and to get malware on users systems. Broadway reminds us to be careful with Vanity Websites. Andy reminds us the website for the CDC is CDC.Gov.

The guys talk about the Plex Server and while the service makes it possible to have many features Shawn talks about the downsides of connecting from Outside the Network. A Big question on digital privacy is opened up and Justin at this point has pretty much said maybe we are too concerned. The Guys play a round of Name That Term with Justin asking the guys to find the answer to the acronym, A Fun Segment! Just hearing Broadways frustrations is memorable!

For our Website of the Week, Justin shares with the guys a site they didn’t know about and are super happy to hear it is on the Web. Gary Larson the man behind the Far Side has never really embraced the web and is now sharing his funny looks at life at

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