In this week’s show, Shawn, Broadway, and Andy share some reasons for the recent downturn in Crypto and what may have fueled this. El Salvador decides to adopt Crypto as a form of currency and when they gift the citizens digital currency, the citizens opt to pull the money out and use it rather then left it grow. This could be a fueling of that downturn. Andy’s Daughter Scarlett has been creating artwork and John shares info on how it could be used as an NFT to increase her exposure and even sell some of her creations. John recommends OpenSea.IO and explains the process would require a Digital Wallet and shares info on MetaMask. John also shares the darker sides though of transactions and reminds us it is The Wild West.
Shawn shares info on a new microphone he picked up at a great price. The Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft USB Edition. While Blizzard has been dealing with a PR Nightmare, Logitech G The Parent company of Blue has been selling these at an amazing price and the sound quality is top notch. Later in the Show, Shawn gives us an Audio Demonstration of the settings for the microphone. Shawn also shares his love for Cameras and purchases a new Version of The Polaroid Now Camera and breaks down why and how it works. Shawn also tells us about the Polaroid Go and how much smaller it is then the Polaroid Now. Andy shares a device he purchased from Amazon which looks like a regular quality Ink Pen however it is fitted with an Audio Recorder to record meetings and conversations. Top Gun Maverick has been once again delayed now till Memorial Day, May 27th of 2022. The announcement of the moving of the release date for Top Gun Maverick has now also moved the Top Gun Expansion Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.
Apple announces they will be holding an Apple Event on the 14th, and many are speculating it could be the 4 different rumored versions of the iPhone 13. The crew talks about the discussion about Satellite delivered signal and what that could mean. Broadway shares with us why he may not want to be connected in rural areas that have no service. Andy tells us about a story out of Samsung and South Africa where a Riot occurred, and TVs were looted from a Warehouse. Technology on these TV’s is enabling them to be shut down once on and connected to the Net, basically bricking the sets. John tells us how technology has a Management Information Base and with this gives the Manufacturers the ability to shut them down.
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]]>In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme, Broadway and Amanda are all together on the show. We share news that Ryan of RyaStream should be coming back on the show soon to talk about Streaming, Video Games and Simulations and what he’s has been doing since he last appeared on the show. A Couple of Weeks ago, we got word that Broadway testing positive for Covid-19. He is recovering and visits the show to talk about what has happened since that diagnoses, how he discovered it and where he felt it could have been contracted. Shawn tells us about covering the Notre Dame vs Clemson game and how many people ran onto the field and now concerns that the number of people which took to the field on the win have alerted health officials. Amanda tells us about Distance Learning and some of the problems that can arise. Justin gives us a status update about his newly purchased TV and the best show he has watched on it. The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1. Amanda tells us about AMSR and how calming the channel can be and how to find it. Justin talks about his FireTV device and how lately it seems to be failing.
The Crew pays respect to the passing of Alex Trebek and Andy shares word that Alex’s last project outside Jeopardy was an appearance in Free Guy, and upcoming movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Lots of talk about people checking out Parler. Shawn is still off Social Media and talks about how refreshing the step back has been.
The talk focuses on the Xbox and with the release this week, which one to chose from. A Walk down memory lane has everybody sharing the first console experiences. Andy talks about iOS 14.2 out now and how some have found the Secret Button, Back Tap. Justin shares a website, Nasa’s Interactive Fire Map. A map which shows any wildfires throughout the world.
]]>In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Shawn, Amanda, Broadway and Andy talk about Zoom Fatigue and how some are tiring of the many Zoom Concerts and Entertainment Events after working an entire day with Zoom Meetings. The future of Education is discussed with Shawn and Amanda and how the reopening of schools is impacted by Covid-19. Amanda shares how teachers are planning to get ready for returning to the classroom. Amanda talks about the Minecraft Community with Social and Emotional learning with packs that are downloadable. We learn about The Mindful Knight to learn and play the game.
Amanda shares some info on her new Headphones from Steel Series, The Arctis 7. Shawn and Broadway talk about what a good product it is. The Headphones Amanda purchased is Wireless which Andy wasn’t a fan of in the past however the technology has gotten much better. Andy shares some info on a new tool for Data Recovery from Microsoft and how to get it. If you have ever deleted a file accidentally and removed it from the Recycle bin, the App is called Windows File Recovery. What are the problems that could arise with easy to use file recovery?
Do you have Old Tech? How much is it worth? The guys talk about how hard it can be to get rid of Tech that has piled up over the years. The guys talk about building older generation machines for the playing of older games. Shawn gives us a great solution with (Great Old Games) for downloading and playing your favorite old games for a small fee. Arcades have also popped up and Shawn talks about one in Chicago called Headquarters, Broadway about one in Texas called Pinballz and for Tucson, Cobra Arcade.
Andy quizzes the crew about the Anniversary of the iPhone from 13 years ago. They all talk about the Phone Tech before the iPhone and how the way to really get a short message was using the Nextel service. Andy raves about Kevin James short films on YouTube, some fun stuff!
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In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin buys himself the Secret Labs Omega Chair and it has arrived. While we are sidetracked by the creepy looking doll hanging out on the Broadway background. Justin talks about the Quality of the chair and the experience putting it together. Justin loves the Secret Labs Omega chair while Andy and Shawn are sitting in old squeaky office chairs; Broadway is lounging on a Love seat.
The guys talk about Sit Stand Desk and why these offer great ergonomics. Some manufacturers of Sit Stand Desks include Fellowes, Steelcase and VariDesk. Shawn tells us about Canon USA now adding software that will allow users to use most Canon DSLR EOS Cameras as a webcam. The guys talk about lenses and photography and wonder on the quality of the Smartphone’s versus DSLR? Broadway brings up a good point as to why the Smartphone’s have excelled in performance and it’s the basics of technology. The guys talk about the Adobe Photoshop program and reminds parents of the Educational Version available. Scott Kelby has been teaching some basics in Webinars on Kelby One.
Shawn and Justin talk about the Raspberry Pi with a new Add on Camera available. The only issue Justin has had with Raspberry Pi is that it runs on Linux although Broadway had made use of running Linux with Windows together. Broadway recommends getting into Linux and Raspberry Pi to learn how tech systems work, plus the Raspberry Pi website has all types of projects users can work with. Andy shares the story about the Woman who bought some Air Pods only at a great price; the photo on the web is hilarious of her getting huge Air Pods BUT, they are an Awesome Bluetooth Speaker!
Justin tells us about this new show on Amazon Prime called Upload. Its a Comedy with a bit of a mystery thrown in and tells a great story. Andy talks about IMDB.TV and all the different sources of programs available including LOST. If you have a fire stick you can watch the shows for free with Ads. Cord Cutters are loving YouTube TV with Local Channels available in most areas and a Cloud DVR. Andy talks about Shamook on YouTube creating a Deep Fake of Raiders of the Lost Ark with Chris Pratt as Harrison Ford.
Justin shares the Website of the Week – A Game Designer can put you in the Game with
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