Ustream – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Fri, 01 May 2020 03:32:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 New Show Posted! Did I Forget My Pants Again!? Fri, 01 May 2020 03:32:06 +0000 Read More]]> Or….John Stamos is Cool

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor talk about our changing environments during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Justin has redone his Studio at Home and it’s impressive. Justins Studio

The guys talk about how they are currently working from Home. Justin has some time to reconfigure his computer and install his recently purchased RTX2080 TI Graphics Card. Justin notices though after some intense gaming with Red Dead Redemption 2, the heat factor increases rather high. Broadway shares a recommendation for helping the heat in the system flow better.

Broadway tells us about relocation to Austin Texas where he is doing the show from. The guys note the pandemic has delayed shipping from Amazon with very few items available for next day delivery.

Shawn still goes into his work during this to assist the Instructors at the University for Off Site Education. We learn a little about some of the Technology behind making this work. Streaming has been very important to Churches across the country for staying in touch with the Congregation. There have been some issues trying to get the hardware to stream the services. The Film Distribution business has been changed in light of the pandemic with Theaters upset at film companies streaming first run movies. The guys talk about backgrounds when video conferencing and some points to consider when on a conference meeting. Broadway wants to know who is on Justin’s wall in his newly located studio. We get the story of the photo of Stan Lee and an autographed Tupac California Luv 12 Inch Single. We also hear about the photo of John Stamos as Justin says, John Stamos is Cool; Andy has a back story about Stamos.

Andy Taylor buys himself a new High Speed Modem after realizing he wasn’t getting the full speed for his service plan. After taking a look at SpeedTest.Net, Andy drops the Motorola Surfboard SB6183 and purchases the Netgear CM1000 with fantastic results. The guys share some tips when running Speedtest.

The guys talk about the Ethics of Video Conferencing and the importance of wearing pants. Shawn tells us about Jennifer, a Zoom Fail, who forgot she was on video conference and made a bathroom visit. Another problem for some is eating during conference video meetings.

The guys wrap up the show with the new Call of Duty Warzone, a Battle Royale based game, which has been very successful. Justin shares the Website of The Week,

On The Air – Shawn Shares Info on the ATEM Mini Sat, 29 Feb 2020 21:30:14 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Episode 02/29/2020 We discussed the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini which Shawn purchased from BH Photo Video.

The ATEM Mini is a great hardware setup making it easier and efficient to stream video for many different applications! Shawn breaks down some of the many features of the ATEM Mini in this Segment

To Listen to the Entire Show please visit the Website at – You Can also subscribe to Audio from the Show on Apple Podcast, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, Breaker and Spreaker as well as the RSS Feed. The Show can be downloaded and listened on demand!

Thanks for Checking it out! – Andy, Justin, Broadway & Shawn.

Periscope – Who’s Watching Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:03:59 +0000 Read More]]>
A Logo for the Periscope App for Android and iOS
A Logo for the Periscope App for Android and iOS

I’ve heard quite a bit about Periscope over the past few months and finally decided to pull the trigger and see what it’s all about. I like to check out new social media tools when they pop up to see just how different they are with the many options available to us “User Folk”

Periscope can be a total blast and has been built with the concept of “Periscoping” the user experience through the smart phone. Although some of the uses, even myself, have been for engaging interaction among the viewers in a virtual chat room which runs on top of your video while you shoot it – No Editing, It’s all Live.

One of the best uses for the Periscope service was a video I checked out yesterday of a Surfer Mitch Oates ( @lifeatseaphoto ) with his device attached to his surfboard! Great Live Video but a good way to go through phones! There’s another Periscoper that covers just about everything she does, Tasmin Lucia Khan (@Tasmin) riding in cabs, cooking breakfast and putting on makeup..I know, compelling right? Actually she is, the fact she engages the audience is refreshing. We used to do that a lot in Music Radio. 🙁

Share It with the world, make it available to select friends and even save it to your camera roll! Just don’t point it at the TV during say “Game of Thrones” or during a Pay Per View event – This has been an Issue in the Past.

Check out Periscope which is owned by Twitter after a nice payout of about $100 Million  dollars (Did Dr. Evil handle that deal?) If you have a Periscope please let us know so we can check it out! Follow us Andy Taylor @techtalkradio

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UStream.TV – How To… Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:00:00 +0000 Read More]]> I was looking for a way to send a message to all our friends on Ustream.TV at the same time… To remind them of our weekly Wednesday show… I wasn’t quite sure how to do it…

I had received a message from one of our friends on Ustream (Spikehead68)… I went to go reply back… and POOF… there it was… a list of all my friends on Ustream.TV…

In Ustream, I clicked on “Message Box”… then went to “Compose Mail”… highlighted all the friends on my list… composed my message… and was then able to send them all a message at the same time reminding them of the show on Wednesday night…

You learn something new everyday!!

Let me know if anybody needs help on this!!

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Getting your Skype onto Ustream Mon, 21 Apr 2008 17:58:00 +0000 Read More]]> This is a question we get quite a bit however we use a Digital Telephone Hybrid to take calls during the show. We would like to incorporate the use of Skype on our Webcast since once in awhile we broadcast from remote locations and won’t have the ability to take our phone hybrid with us. It really is quite simple and after watching a video demonstration anybody should be able to do it with a secondary microphone and speakers without feedback.

Take a look at this great link as a way to get er done!


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