Websites – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Mon, 26 Oct 2020 23:46:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 New Show Added “Strapping on the Goggles” Mon, 26 Oct 2020 23:46:32 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd and the returning Justin Lemme revisit 3D Printing. Justin visits his mom in South Dakota who also has a 3D printer, and the guys talk about the progresses in the technology to make 3D Printing even easier. Justin recommends not only printers but also some websites for finding “templates” for creations on the 3D Printers. Shawn tells us how resourceful it can be to have access to a 3D Printer for business applications. Justin talk about the products they he has made. Andy talks about installing a Google Nest Thermostat and how easy it was to do. Shawn talks about the upcoming Wyze Thermostat and some new Wyze cameras for home monitoring.

The new Google Pixel 5 has Justin sharing his thoughts on the latest 5G Smartphone but packed with features he is looking forward to. Shawn and Justin talk about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Shawn tells us about Virtual Reality with the New Star Wars Squadrons and how amazing it is. The guys share how this also enhances the simulator in Flight Simulator.

The guys talk about the new ad on Television featuring Alan Ruck from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for the Lift master Garage. We also look at the website Future Me, send an Email to yourself in the future!

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New Show – The Chubby Caddy! Mon, 03 Aug 2020 21:52:07 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Justin starts off after some time off and shares with us a Code Available for GolfPad GPS and Tag System for 15% for an amount of time Code TTR. Justin talks about how it has helped his golf game. Broadway shares how he liked golfing until in his word, he “got fat” and stopped playing. The Guys recommend using his feet rather than a Cart. You never really see a Chubby Caddy.

Tune in to this Weeks Show!

Amanda talks about attending the Virtual Comic Con and what she loved about it and what was missed from the gathering. The guys talk about how the Comic Con had gone from Comic Books and Artist to Movies and Games. Justin talks about Comic Con coming to him when he was working at a TV Station in San Diego. He talks about his photo when he was able to meet Stan Lee.

Amanda gives a great description of Comic Con, “Five Days of Non Stop Nacho’s and Hot Dogs.”

The crew is excited with the recent announcement of G4TV plotting a return for next year. Amanda poses the question, “Who is their content going to be geared at?” Ready Player Two has been announced as the next book from Ernest Cline. Andy shares some info on the Revolution Toaster which he will be looking at for a TV Segment. John shares how he geeked out his kitchen. Andy shares some info on the Music Video for Huey Lewis and the News 8 Bit Characters in the Video for the Song featured in the movie “Animal Crackers”

Amanda tells us about her Sager Laptop and how the Customer Experience has been great! The crew talks about upgrading Gaming Laptops and how they have come along in the past few years. John unfortunately has had issues with parts he ordered from a couple of suppliers without mentioning them, Kind of..

Andy Taylor talks with Editor in Chief Jenni Newman of Cars.Com about the new age of buying a car and the many ways the Website can help with Unbiased News and Reviews by the Cars.Com Staff. Visitors will also find Dealer Ratings and review of the dealerships but also services to the Dealers as well.

Amanda shares a Website of the week as a New Tool which could teach Geography. https://www.geoguessr Justin does have a slight issue with it and shares a warning for parents.

New Show – Flying High Once Again! Tue, 22 Oct 2019 18:28:35 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Justin is back after a busy transitional period with a company change over. Shawn is out this week. Justin and Andy Taylor talk a little about the workplace and what can change when an acquisition happens. The guys talk historically about some companies that have gone through buy outs and what has happened to them. One of those that have ridden the wave of change outs is Entrepreneur Mark Cuban. They talk about Audio-net, and how it was sold to Yahoo, what happened over the years? Because of Andy’s love for food, he of course has to bring up Kenny Rogers Roasters, Where are they today and what does it have to do with Yahoo?

Justin and Andy talk about cutting the cord but still wanting to have Over the air television. There are many services for streaming favorite channels like ID, Discovery, Hallmark in package pricing from Philo or Sling but many users still want access to the local channels. Using Antenna Web, the guys share the different local channels available and what type of antenna would be needed based on areas. Justin talks about why Disney Plus will be a major streamer with some great options for content. Sony makes the announcement of the PlayStation 5 and what is going to be special about the console which won’t be available until Holidays of 2020! Justin talks about Haptic Feedback which will be a big feature for the gaming experience.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has been announced for the PC and there is much to be excited about! Justin talks about some of those features for the PC Version of Red Dead Redemption 2 and why playing it is going to be a blast! The guys talk about the new Rock Star Games Game Launcher and how this is great for those playing games in the Rock Star Line. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has also been announced and the graphics are amazing. The Title won’t be available until early 2020 yet the previews have helped to create a lot of excitement. Justin shares a great YouTube Channel AirForceProud95 which is built around the Flight Simulator Experience with smart alec Air Traffic Control, it’s a good laugh to watch!

Andy and Justin have some computer issues and ask each other about solutions while Justin tells us how to find out what is running in the background on your Windows PC. Andy shares a website which offers a Cockpit for the Flight Sim and Driving Sim Experience, NextLevel Racing

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Web: TechtalkRadio.Com

TechBlast 01/08/2018 Tue, 08 Jan 2019 16:13:25 +0000 Read More]]> Happy to Be Back and Happy New Year!

In Mid December we changed out the Server to a new Hosting Provider – We have more changes coming but we didn’t want to lost our blog, even if we haven’t updated in a while – Best Advice I could ever share, Make your Backups, make them frequently. We did indeed do ours however it still took time to figure out how to bring it back!

We also want to start bringing back the TechtalkRadio Tech Blast! Here is today’s!

I’m Hiding Under Your Bed! New Show Posted! Mon, 12 Nov 2018 04:56:54 +0000 Read More]]>

In this TechtalkRadio Episode, Justin and Andy talk about the New Google Pixel 3XL available from Verizon which Justin has gone out and purchased! We hear from Justin on his reasons for moving from Samsung to Google. His discussion on the Google Pixel 3XL focuses on performance, Camera capabilities and cost. Justin talks about the thoughts between the different sizes in storage on the Google Pixel 3XL and why going for the 128GB made more sense even with the “Unlimited” storage options available. Thinking about skipping on the Insurance on your device, a great reason for getting that insurance is offered. If you are holding off upgrading worrying about data from your old device, Justin shares just how easy this is. What are the best features of the Google Pixel 3XL? Justin shares the ones demonstrated to him that had him make the switch.

Going Unlimited, a Discussion between Justin and Andy regarding how your phone is used and if it makes sense to jump to unlimited plans. Amazon now introduces Whisper Mode to your Alexa devices. Don’t want to wake anybody? Check out Whisper Mode. The guys talk about how it’s a little creepy yet convenient. Need to know how to enable it? Tune in!

John Chapin from Leap Frog visits the show to talk about Leap Start 3D which gives children ages 2-7 a book based fun educational platform for reading books with audio and 3D type animation to accompany the books in a Pop-Up Screen. With the books, users can experience math, reading fundamentals and interact with the characters in the books. John shares the development process with testing groups of kids and parents. We love the pricing on the Leap Start 3D, affordable under $50 and is powered by 2 Double A Batteries and can interface with a Mac or PC for downloading updates for the books.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the biggest games this season, Justin shares his first thoughts of this title and how he was able to regain his hat. Rock Star has put out this game title with Rave Reviews along with Justin’s high acclaim for this title. The Graphics, The Sound, The Dialog, The AI is all something to behold.

Website of the Week is geared at those that Love Movies and want to know everything about Films and the people behind and in front of the cameras. The Amazon owned IMDB.Com, Internet Movie Database can let you know what’s happening and what’s coming with Entertainment.  Visit at

