12Seconds Interview – Official TechtalkRadio Blog https://blog.techtalkradio.com The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Tue, 05 Oct 2010 01:29:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 63714750 Andy Taylors talks with 12Seconds Founder Sol Lipman https://blog.techtalkradio.com/andy-taylors-talks-with-12seconds-founder-sol-lipman/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=andy-taylors-talks-with-12seconds-founder-sol-lipman https://blog.techtalkradio.com/andy-taylors-talks-with-12seconds-founder-sol-lipman/#respond Tue, 05 Oct 2010 01:28:55 +0000 http://blog.techtalkradio.com/?p=624 Read More]]> Photo Used by Permission - Justin Korn http://www.justinkorn.com
12seconds co-founder Sol Lipman

The news was bittersweet for one of the founders of 12seconds. The decision came today to let the public know that 12Seconds was going to cease operations on October 22nd. The site which had become popular with video users that wanted to share 12 second video clips in a social networking type environment just didn’t seem to catch on as big as Twitter or Facebook. Some compared the site to Twitter which limits post to 140 characters. Andy talked with Sol Lipman about how 12Seconds may have been before it’s time and if development will continue in applications for mobile video content sharing. Listen to the interview at http://www.techtalkradio.com/internet/12seconds.html

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