coding for veterans – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Mon, 01 Jun 2020 16:05:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 New Show Available! Stream or Download! Episode 268 – An Exercise in Fertility! Mon, 01 Jun 2020 16:05:22 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, The guys talk about the downsides of working from home and the little things we don’t think about that can affect the daily routine. Andy Taylor, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, and Justin Lemme share some info about Zoom we may not have known about giving the Zoom Meeting Holder the ability to read messages sent between those in the meeting. While since airtime it looks like this has been fixed. Some companies have been making backgrounds for users to have in the videos. One user created a loop of them nodding their head, turns out they weren’t even in the room. Creativity abounds with those in the video meetings. As a
Veteran himself, Broadway shares an important message for Veterans.

Andy Taylor talks about the National Health Service in England and the program Feed NHS. Matt Lucas from Doctor Who and Little Britain created a song called Thank You Baked Potato to raise money to go to the program. Andy reminds listeners to take a look at the Video at Justin talks about his Denon AVR111W Receiver which has failed after many years decides to update his system for his home theater. A Neighbor has a Yamaha Adventage RX A780 for a great price and he buys that one to replace it. Justin talks about some of the features on this Audio Video Receiver. The guys talk about the movies to test out on the new audio system including Black Hawk Down, The Dark Knight and Star Wars films. Justin orders his new chair from Secret Labs, The Omega Series chair is perfect for somebody who sits for long periods of time.

Justin tells us about Call of Duty Modern Warfare, the free to play game with many people giving it a try, record numbers in its initial release,

The guys talk about the trend of Working from Home and will this become the Norm. Shawn talks about the idea of working from home with benefits for insurance, less commutes, child care, etc. When it comes to Veterans, Broadway feels this is perfect for those that may have dealt with PTSD to be able to work from home; Coding could be a great opportunity. Andy shares a word of warning when it comes to your Domain Names, Get it registered before you do anything else.

Justin shares info on Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch and what it is all about. Shawn talks about Final Fantasy 7 for PS4 and why it is wonderful. Website of the Week is radio. garden, A way to find broadcast from around the world.

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