MasterBuilt – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Fri, 30 Dec 2022 23:39:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 Episode 353 – What’s Justin Smoking!? Fri, 30 Dec 2022 23:39:31 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks Show Shawn asks the question to all of us, what is the One Thing we want for Christmas, but we know we won’t get. Justin tells us it would be a upgrade to his Smoker, he wants the Traeger. Shawn wants the DJI Arvada Drone that works in FPV Mode or a Wireless N64 Controller for his switch, lately they have been hard to get. After the numbers, the Nintendo Switch was the biggest seller for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Justin still wants the company to update the Switch. Justin also wants to get a PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. Andy asks Justin and Shawn which the best game is to get for the Nintendo Switch. Justin recommends Mario Odyssey or Legends of Zelda Breath of the Wild. Andy fires up the Free Epic Games Star Wars Squadron and finds out he is out of practice for Action Games. And says he wants a better graphics card and is flip flopping between the 3080 – 4090 and Radeon 7900.

Justin shares more of his experience with the Master Built Smoker and how YouTube videos have helped pick up new recipes and styles. YouTube continues to be a great place to learn about all kinds of How To Do to It. Andy tells us about buying a Whirlpool Stove with Air Frying yet no instructions on how to use the Air Frying Features however YouTube was a place he found how to get it done. Shawn tells us about setting up his Synology NAS and how YouTube also helped for that. Shawn Recommends Data Hoarders for learning about how to completely set it up. The guys talk about the Hording of Data and how it becomes an issue with more storage. Andy has used the Duplicate File Program within Roxio NXT Pro 9 and has been very happy with it.

The guys talk about some of the shows we have finally watched on Streaming Services, Justin watches Free guy and loves it while Andy finally has seen Top Gun Maverick while Shawn has watched Bullet Train.

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Episode #352 – Drive Failure! Sat, 10 Dec 2022 21:56:29 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks Show Shawn tells us about getting his Synology NAS System in and setting it up. Shawn shares how he received not one bad three bad hard drives. He is now waiting for the replacement drives to come in before being able to get it completed. He has discovered how full featured with options the Synology NAS is and now ever more excited about getting it set up. Justin and Shawn discuss Parity drives and how it can be set up. Shawn tells us about Soldering a Wyze product, the Wyze Wall Switch and why he chose to rework the feature. He found the step by steps on Reddit. Giving the gift of Tech isn’t always appreciated, the guys talk about knowing if the recipient is open to home assistants and if they already have a home setup with Amazon or Google. Justin is participating in a White Elephant Party and decides to get the TP Link Casa Smart Bulbs for the event however it doesn’t go over to well with the Misa. Andy tells us about the iXplore SanDisk Flash drive perfect for the mobile devices.

Shawn decided to spend some money on new products from Wyze such as the Colored bulbs. The guys talk about their wish list for this holiday, for Shawn it’s the El Gato Streamdeck, DJI Avata FP Drone and a Gaming Chair from IKEA. Justin talks about his Chair from Secret Lab and how he was happy with the purchase he made. Andy gets some time and takes up the DJI Mini 3 Pro drone up for a flight and is terrified at the first flight, Justin lets him know it not unusual. Andy tells the story about Axl Rose of Gun’s N Roses and why he is banning drones from their Concerts.

Justin buys himself a Smoker for the outdoor cooking experience. The Master Built Electric Smoker. Justin shares with us the experience and the guys talk about new digital thermometers. Andy talks about shopping for a new refrigerator and found an LG that he really likes and it features Smart Wi-Fi. The guys talk about the Lifespan of a Controlled Colored LED Bulb. Epic Games announces Free Daily Digital Downloads for the Holidays coming December 15 through January 10th.
Justin tells us about RyanHallyall on YouTube and how he delivers the Weather information while Shawn shares Map Info from FAA for Drone Pilots.

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