I was unable to find any information how to do so that worked for me. But, I did find how to perform a “SYLVANIA SmartBook Operating System Update” for the SYNET07526 “Wireless Netbook: Wireless Mobile Media Device”. After performing the procedure, I was able to use the device. (I assume that all personal file the owner had were erased: I did not find any.)
Be sure to “Unzip the SYNET_NEW_SHELL_IMAGE.zip (65MB) file to the root of an SD card”: the “folder called ‘script'” MUST be “in the root directory of the SD card”.
I had no idea that Windows CE was currently in use! If I had seen one of these available at a local store, I may have considered purchasing it over a netbook running Windows: most netbooks are priced over $200. I’ve been trying to find an “affordable” (“cheap” or “free”, really) replacement for my Palm TX and LifeDrive.