In this week’s show, Shawn, Broadway, and Andy share some reasons for the recent downturn in Crypto and what may have fueled this. El Salvador decides to adopt Crypto as a form of currency and when they gift the citizens digital currency, the citizens opt to pull the money out and use it rather then left it grow. This could be a fueling of that downturn. Andy’s Daughter Scarlett has been creating artwork and John shares info on how it could be used as an NFT to increase her exposure and even sell some of her creations. John recommends OpenSea.IO and explains the process would require a Digital Wallet and shares info on MetaMask. John also shares the darker sides though of transactions and reminds us it is The Wild West.
Shawn shares info on a new microphone he picked up at a great price. The Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft USB Edition. While Blizzard has been dealing with a PR Nightmare, Logitech G The Parent company of Blue has been selling these at an amazing price and the sound quality is top notch. Later in the Show, Shawn gives us an Audio Demonstration of the settings for the microphone. Shawn also shares his love for Cameras and purchases a new Version of The Polaroid Now Camera and breaks down why and how it works. Shawn also tells us about the Polaroid Go and how much smaller it is then the Polaroid Now. Andy shares a device he purchased from Amazon which looks like a regular quality Ink Pen however it is fitted with an Audio Recorder to record meetings and conversations. Top Gun Maverick has been once again delayed now till Memorial Day, May 27th of 2022. The announcement of the moving of the release date for Top Gun Maverick has now also moved the Top Gun Expansion Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.
Apple announces they will be holding an Apple Event on the 14th, and many are speculating it could be the 4 different rumored versions of the iPhone 13. The crew talks about the discussion about Satellite delivered signal and what that could mean. Broadway shares with us why he may not want to be connected in rural areas that have no service. Andy tells us about a story out of Samsung and South Africa where a Riot occurred, and TVs were looted from a Warehouse. Technology on these TV’s is enabling them to be shut down once on and connected to the Net, basically bricking the sets. John tells us how technology has a Management Information Base and with this gives the Manufacturers the ability to shut them down.
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]]>It’s the latest Episode of TechtalkRadio Now Available! A WHOLE bunch of Topics in todays “Showgram” (Thanks Jeff n Jer) – We also give you some insight into what Mitch Goldstone and the Staff at Scan My Photos has come up with to help Declutter! One Cent Per Scan Photo Scans! Here is this Weeks Official Summary! Thanks for Listening and Please Subscribe and Share!
TechtalkRadio – Quiet, Mama’s Listening!
Justin gets snowed in back at home in Denver and John Broadway and Andy Taylor share some of the latest ideas in Technology. Andy tries to get the proper pronunciation on saying Wisconsin from John. After Andy comments on a photo of Johns home in Wisconsin, the guys have to talk in a subdued tone as John’s wife will put the kibosh on a future drone purchase. John explains why. What would be today’s features he would be looking for in a new drone?
The guys talk about hoarding Technology and why it is so hard to sometimes let go of older computers. Spring Cleaning can also apply to your digital world and Andy talks with friend of the show Mitch Goldstone of Scan My Photos about a great way to downsize boxes and boxes of photo album with a deal that is amazing. A recent write up by Oprah Winfrey on the services Mitch’s company offers with great solutions for securing these images for the future. An Article in a Sun City Arizona newspaper also shared the service as a great way for seniors to save space with digital scanning of those images. Mitch shares with us a tremendous offer at 1Cent per image Scanning, Mitch explains how it works on the show as well as why this needs to be done.
The guys talk about various options for Online Storage and how backups can also be done on the cloud service however not as a main backup storage. Passwords have you perplexed? The guys share some info on passwords and why it’s important to really develop a good password strategy. John shares some tips on creating stronger passwords and gives credit to Google on the Google Authenticator.
John and Andy talk about Online and Computer/Console based games. The guys share some of the great games in years past. A Rumor gets Andy all giddy regarding a PC Version of Red Dead Redemption 2, it was just that – a rumor. John and Andy share the importance of knowing the games your kids are playing and what they are doing on the computer, it can be a great bonding experience.
Our Website of the Week is a service call Crowdfire. A social media management tool for bringing some of your social media apps together to post to multiple sites. This can be a Great idea for Public service and businesses to promote product or service.
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In this TechtalkRadio Show, Justin and Andy try to change up the opening we’ve been using since 1996 and it’s an absolute disaster. The guys ask for listeners to send audio/voice of their favorite Technology so we can use it during the show opener. The guys talk about Email hacks and now some are using phone hacks to spoof phone numbers. In this new day an age, answering the phone has become a hassle not a joy. Leave a message or get blocked. Google finds a Zero Day Vulnerability and warns users to immediately update Chrome. While Andy did reinstall Google Chrome he takes a moment to discuss the steps to update Google Chrome. Justin has an Oops moment and it involves his gaming keyboard and Superglue?
With Justin’s blooper on his keyboard the guys talk about some of the great options for gaming keyboards and discuss the differences in price and quality on keyboards. The guys have been really impressed with what is available from Logitech. Logitech even makes a keyboard, the K400 Plus which can work with Smart TV’s making it easier to type in passwords for Amazon, Hulu and other streaming networks.
A new survey is out still suggesting that over 10,000 people surveyed, they still use 123456 as passwords. Some thoughts shared on this and why it should be changed right away. Justin shares the website as a solution for creating good passwords.
Justin shares a great video gaming stream from Darkness429 with his buddy going at it with a game title called Who’s Your Daddy with hilarious results. Listeners can watch it on the Facebook Page for Darkness429 titled Dad Simulator. The guys talk about Roblox and how this is a great way to not
only play a game but also create!
Justin shares a compelling story of the 8th anniversary of the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan. He was there and shares the experience as he prepares for another trip back to
Japan. We wish him and his family safe travels and look forward to his return. With the Big outages this past week, Andy and Justin share some sites to check out when in question of a site down. is one great site for checking system status. Apple also features a system status panel. Andy talks about some new
products from Fit Bit geared at kids, the Ace2.Keywords – Logitech, Gamingkeyboards, PhoneSpoof, UpdateGoogleChrome, K400, LastPass.Com, Creatingpasswords, Darkness429, dad simulator, steam, roblox, japan, earthquake,, FitBit, Ace2, P
In this TechtalkRadio Episode, Justin and Andy begin with a discussion of Monty Pythons Flying Circus and how Netflix has added the shows to its library of entertainment. New shows such as Sam Esmail’s “Homecoming” and the return of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel to Amazon Prime are discussed.
Justin and Andy talk about Repairing PC’s and Macs with Today’s Technology. Where can a consumer have a Mac-book repaired? The only solution in most cases for warranty and parts would be through an Apple Certified Repair shop. Not all is rosy with today’s Windows based laptops as many manufacturers have taken away user serviceable areas such as hard drives, memory and even batteries. What are the benefits of building your own PC? Can building your own still be done and which could be more expensive? Local Shops to Tucson like SWS and NOS Computers are great, Justin also recommends the PC Part Picker Website. Are Add-On Sound Cards still required?
Friend of the show, Mitch Goldstone from ScanMyPhotos.Com visits with TechtalkRadio to talk about the service available from the company. Protecting the photos and film from years past is a process made extremely easy with the services of the highly reviewed ScanMyPhotos.Com. Mitch shares stories of photos which have been preserved in the digital format and why this is also a great gift idea for the holiday season. Technology has advanced the process over the years and in many cases Same Day Scanning is available. This can be great for memorial services or special events. Mitch talks about ScanMyPhotos and why the company takes great pride preserving these images.
Powering a Computer, Do you turn your computer off every night? Is the proper fix for a computer to basically, Turn it off and Turn it on? The guys discuss the idea of rebooting for solving problems. Justin talks about running multiple Operating Systems as a Virtual PC with VMware.
Justin talks about a game called GameDevTycoon from GreenHeart Games. Website of the Week is a look at a product that only because of the Internet could become huge, The Nose Warmer. Don’t Sneeze. The Website is at NoseWarmer.Com
]]>In this TechtalkRadio Episode, Justin and Andy talk about the New Google Pixel 3XL available from Verizon which Justin has gone out and purchased! We hear from Justin on his reasons for moving from Samsung to Google. His discussion on the Google Pixel 3XL focuses on performance, Camera capabilities and cost. Justin talks about the thoughts between the different sizes in storage on the Google Pixel 3XL and why going for the 128GB made more sense even with the “Unlimited” storage options available. Thinking about skipping on the Insurance on your device, a great reason for getting that insurance is offered. If you are holding off upgrading worrying about data from your old device, Justin shares just how easy this is. What are the best features of the Google Pixel 3XL? Justin shares the ones demonstrated to him that had him make the switch.
Going Unlimited, a Discussion between Justin and Andy regarding how your phone is used and if it makes sense to jump to unlimited plans. Amazon now introduces Whisper Mode to your Alexa devices. Don’t want to wake anybody? Check out Whisper Mode. The guys talk about how it’s a little creepy yet convenient. Need to know how to enable it? Tune in!
John Chapin from Leap Frog visits the show to talk about Leap Start 3D which gives children ages 2-7 a book based fun educational platform for reading books with audio and 3D type animation to accompany the books in a Pop-Up Screen. With the books, users can experience math, reading fundamentals and interact with the characters in the books. John shares the development process with testing groups of kids and parents. We love the pricing on the Leap Start 3D, affordable under $50 and is powered by 2 Double A Batteries and can interface with a Mac or PC for downloading updates for the books.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the biggest games this season, Justin shares his first thoughts of this title and how he was able to regain his hat. Rock Star has put out this game title with Rave Reviews along with Justin’s high acclaim for this title. The Graphics, The Sound, The Dialog, The AI is all something to behold.
Website of the Week is geared at those that Love Movies and want to know everything about Films and the people behind and in front of the cameras. The Amazon owned IMDB.Com, Internet Movie Database can let you know what’s happening and what’s coming with Entertainment. Visit at