TechSupport – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Wed, 28 Aug 2024 19:38:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 News13 Segment – A Day at the UofA, The Tech in the Dorm Rooms! Wed, 28 Aug 2024 19:38:53 +0000 Read More]]>

A Day at the UofA – News13 was Out at the University of Arizona – We were in Studio with some Tech!

We decided to cover a couple of thoughts on Dorm Living and Tech in the “Residence Halls.” A Big find during the segment was that Tyler didn’t know who Thorton Melon was in the history of Higher Education! University of Arizona has great on site Technical Services 24/7 and questions can be addressed easily by calling 520-646-TECH. For Students wanting to connect via Wi-Fi, it is available however when you realize how many will be using the services, you could run into the occasional bandwidth issues, also security should be considered and make sure you are connected to an Authorized Wi-Fi Connection.

For those that have more than one device to connect, Routers and Switches will not work in the Dorm environment. Each bed will feature a Ethernet Connection to internet services which of course will need to be authenticated when you log in as a student. Also, if you have a Wireless Printer, you will need to set up the Wired Connection to that printer. The Ethernet Services are available for Studies however you could hook up a gaming Console for that much needed break. I will recommend some tech for their dorms to have on hand – Power Strip with Surge, We have the APC to share, Belkin 3 in 1 Charger (Charge Smart Phone, Watch, Buds) Space Saving and Convenient and of course Storage with Flash Drives and removable drives.

If you check out under technology you will find services that can help with those questions!

New Show Posted! #363 – Stick It In A Big Bag of Rice! Thu, 11 May 2023 19:04:20 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks Show, Justin and Andy handle the show while Shawn is working on a Big Event at his work. Andy talks about the issues that can come from what he calls “Over Troubleshooting” which can cause systems to be in a further state of kabungle! We still don’t know what that word means but changes and fixes made before calling for Support can cause even more issues. Andy and Justin talk about the need to make the call for support but also equipment that doesn’t work should be removed. The guys are hoping this could serve as a cautionary tale to make a note of the problem and to call support so they can troubleshoot. New Data shows the Age groups best working with Technology and surprising it involved the Age Group that has most worked with Tech, this due to the last 20 years of Tech has had most solutions done for the User. Andy calls out the mind sets for the Boomer Generation because they had to learn on DOS, learned to disconnect, reconnect and even learn patience with Dial Up. Justin shares an interesting recommendation for cleaning the PC. Andy refers to a PC Gamer Column from a couple years ago about cleaning the PC which is great for Spring Cleaning. The link to read it is

Andy and Justin also share a reminder of leaving your electronics and dash cams in your vehicle and under the hot sun can damage the units. Justin gets a great deal on a New Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Edition and the guys share thoughts on points to consider when buying one of these from a Private Sale. Justin also tells us how he spun a yarn to get the deal. He also signed up for the PlayStation Network and shares why this is a great idea. Justin also has an XBOX and has loved Remote Play on the past however after some changes it had issues, but now PlayStation also features a Remote Play and Justin is loving it and tells us why!

With the New Season of Undercover Underage the show shares an Interview with SosaTogethers and Host of the Show Roo Powell talking about the dynamics of the show. Andy wants to get himself a new comfy chair. He has been looking at Secret Labs and Justin tells Andy in all honesty why Facebook Ads are pushing Titan from Secret Labs to his feed? It’s Because Andy is a Fan of Hostess and Lil Debbie’s!

New Show Added, Justin Collects What? Or His Fan Boy Moment! Sat, 14 Mar 2020 23:44:34 +0000 Read More]]>

Thanks for checking out our latest TechtalkRadio Episode!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor chat about Wireless Internet as Broadway shares some of the issues he is dealing with when it comes to getting a signal to his house which is in a Rural Area. The guys talk about what happens when you call most TechSupport Lines and the different levels of Support. Justin shares with us a website which can help those needing a solution or answer to reach decision makers with

One of the big issues this week has been surrounding the cleaning of Keyboards, Mouse and Smartphone’s. The guys cover some of the questions surrounding the cleaning of cases and Smartphone’s. We see more and more podcast and videocast and the guys talk about how creating a Videocast can also be used for a podcast. What are some of the ways to get this done and have your audio only hosted for prospective listener to download or stream. Justin talks about a couple of the YouTube pages he checks out where he may just listen to audio. Justin mentions ChrisFix and Mr.Beast. Shawn talks about the different types of shows including Church Sound and Media Tech. If the guys were to do a podcast around a Non Technical subject, they ponder what type of show would they do?

Shawn DeWeerd tells about a new project for the show where he will embark on a mission to build, fix or create and share the process on the show. His first project is to build his own drone, The Gremlin from The guys play a round of Name That Term hosted by Shawn. Andy shares some info on searches Online for Covid-19 and how this has opened up systems to malware. A new exploit is focused on those looking for Corona Virus Maps like those seen on News Broadcast.

Filmmaker Joseph Heslinga chats with Andy Taylor about the new film Foosballers. The movie is a documentary about the people that have a passion for the game/sport of Foosball. Joseph talks about his roots in Tucson and how he relocated to LA. The technology behind filmmaking and distribution is discussed along with the story behind the film project. How big a part is social media in the promotion of a film project like Foosballers? The film Directed by Joseph with Cinematography by Logan Cascia and Produced by Joseph, Logan and Mike Wagstaffe is available on Vimeo On Demand and iTunes, coming soon to Amazon Prime Video.

For our Website of the Week, Shawn DeWeerd shares the site he found which inspired him to create drones,
