In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme, Broadway and Amanda are all together on the show. We share news that Ryan of RyaStream should be coming back on the show soon to talk about Streaming, Video Games and Simulations and what he’s has been doing since he last appeared on the show. A Couple of Weeks ago, we got word that Broadway testing positive for Covid-19. He is recovering and visits the show to talk about what has happened since that diagnoses, how he discovered it and where he felt it could have been contracted. Shawn tells us about covering the Notre Dame vs Clemson game and how many people ran onto the field and now concerns that the number of people which took to the field on the win have alerted health officials. Amanda tells us about Distance Learning and some of the problems that can arise. Justin gives us a status update about his newly purchased TV and the best show he has watched on it. The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1. Amanda tells us about AMSR and how calming the channel can be and how to find it. Justin talks about his FireTV device and how lately it seems to be failing.
The Crew pays respect to the passing of Alex Trebek and Andy shares word that Alex’s last project outside Jeopardy was an appearance in Free Guy, and upcoming movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Lots of talk about people checking out Parler. Shawn is still off Social Media and talks about how refreshing the step back has been.
The talk focuses on the Xbox and with the release this week, which one to chose from. A Walk down memory lane has everybody sharing the first console experiences. Andy talks about iOS 14.2 out now and how some have found the Secret Button, Back Tap. Justin shares a website, Nasa’s Interactive Fire Map. A map which shows any wildfires throughout the world.