Windows11 – Official TechtalkRadio Blog The Blog for the TechtalkRadio Show Mon, 02 Jan 2023 03:46:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 63714750 Episode 354 – Which End Do I Talk Into? Mon, 02 Jan 2023 03:46:35 +0000 Read More]]>

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Shawn tells Justin and Andy about trying to travel in the Cyclone Bomb which covered his area between Christmas and New Years and then made a point how important it is to have a Dashcam. The guys talk about different Dash Cams they have tested out from Cobra and Owlcam. Justin tells us about the Nexar Camera he is using, Andy uses the Garmin Speak with Alexa while Shawn is using the Rexing after trying out the Yi. Andy talks about looking for a tablet over the holidays and was torn between the iPad and Samsung Tab. Shawn tells us about the latest info from a breach that occurred at LastPass. The guys remind us this could open up some to phishing attacks. Andy has noticed even phishing attacks have been coming from game players in communications while playing Words with Friends 2.

After discovering which end of the Microphone to speak into, the guys talk about a Recent poll which found the top digital assistant for your smartphone was ranked Google Assistant. The guys talk about how Data from voice searches may be used after your searches. CES 2023 is right around the corner and we welcome Kinsey Fabrizio to talk about this year’s show and what to expect. With CES 2023, This year we will see everything from Electric Boats, Personal EVOL Aircraft along with products and science in Health and living to make life easier.

Andy had some fun checking out Epic Games Free Holiday Downloads and he discovers how bad he is at FPS Games after getting Wolfenstein yet had a great time with Lego Builders Journey.

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New Show Posted! Episode 312 – Shawn’s New Earbuds! Thu, 02 Sep 2021 00:35:44 +0000 Read More]]>

In this week’s show, Justin, Shawn, and Andy talk about the recent trip Justin had to make to Dallas for Work and what it’s like flying during the Pandemic. Justin shares some of the changes and the guys talk about flying first class and how it used to be.

Microsoft Windows 11 has been given a date for release of October 5th to roll out the free upgrade from Windows 10. Microsoft also acknowledges the OS will run on older systems if installed from an ISO. Shawn runs down the highlights of Windows 11. Shawn talks about a Vertical task bar is eliminated in the new Windows 11. More people are holding on to their computer systems longer, however for those wanting to upgrade, the guys talk about doing it yourself and how it can be overwhelming and offer some tips to make it easier. Andy tells us about the Upcoming release of Free Guy to Streaming and BluRay

Andy talks about walking the aisles of Best Buy and getting photos of products that should be featured on the show. Shawn tells us about getting his Wyze Ear Buds and give us his thoughts, the Pros and Cons of them including range, comfort, battery, and cost. Justin shares a story on how the Chinese government is planning to regulate gaming for minors during the weekday. The guys talk about how they are going to be implementing this. The guys talk about backing up your PC and while Andy loves Acronis, Shawn shares a Cloud Service his Mom has been using called

Andy Is Banished! Sun, 11 Jul 2021 20:03:20 +0000 Read More]]>

In this week’s show, Andy has been banished to the Island of Misfits after screwing up the order of Windows Operating Systems over the years. Handling the show duties are Justin and Shawn and cover the latest regarding Jeff Bezos who is now out as the CEO of Amazon and the guys talk about his stepping down 27 years to the day of him creating Amazon. In the 27 years, the Amazon Web Services has become a key player in how we use the Internet. Security with our Home Assistants are discussed, and Justin asks the important question, how much do we Trust Companies with our Data. Question have arisen regarding the Updated Privacy policy for Audacity and Justin and Shawn break down what it might mean for new and current users.

The Upcoming Windows 11 from Microsoft is discussed, and the guys talk about how Mac like it is and what is the reasoning for TPM. Shawn questions why since the system requirements for Windows 11 are said to only be in the 1Ghz CPU Range. Justin on Prime Day purchases a couple of Wyze Outdoor Cameras and has received them and loves them. Shawn and Justin talk about the benefits of Security Cameras and when it comes to Wyze, the inexpensive Wyze subscription service. Shawn talks about Northplay’s Fly Together software title for Nintendo Switch. He tells us about the title and how much fun he had exploring this flight simulator type game. Justin looks at Mario Golf and also loves the fun involved in playing it.

Shawn gets a new Motherboard and shares the info on the board and what it is designed for.
He got the deal from a friend who was able to be a part of a Newegg Shuffle deal. Now the planning of how to put it together happens. Justin jumps into using a NAS and goes with the Synology DS920 Plus, he explains how it is used with a Raid5 Array.

For the Website of the Week, Shawn and Justin recommend Password Manager 1Password to help manage passwords for greater security.

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