Yesterday we posted a review from Slick of some of the products from ChicBuds. The Company makes designer accessories for your audio and video players as well as your phone. The prices point on these products is also very appealing to consumers that are looking for something fashionable without draining the bank. TechtalkRadio spoke this morning to one of the owners of this energetic and multi-talented companies Nikki Gutshall.
Nikki shared some information on the process in developing the ChicBud line as well as trends and how they changed since the company first emerged on the scene in 2004. TechtalkRadio also found out from Nikki that the company has three different operations all intertwined within each other.
ChicBlvd Inc: is the parent, or older sister, to the women-owned multi-media company based in San Diego. The Divisions include ChicBlvd, an Online Magazine, Product Development and Designer Electronics at ChicBuds and a Public Relations Firm ChicExecs PR. Listen in to our interview at http://www.techtalkradio.com/hardware/chicblvd.html