So… What’s with this Distance Learning thing? Hybrid What? Online? Learning Pods? Videos? Virtual Classrooms? Virtual Meetings? LMS? Applications? Ferpa? Coppa? Reply All’s? Laptop? Touchscreen? I don’t know how to do this…I have resigned… I have a headache… I am exhausted… Can we just go back to school? I want things back to normal. This is so much more work…If I get another calendar invite to a meeting about a meeting… Stop hitting reply all…. Did I eat? You’re unmuted! Help? Anyone…. please? How can we do this?…
All of these phrases represent the current state of education and educators across the globe right now. Some of them just got told last week that they have days to get something together. Others of them went back weeks ago, and are learning while planning for districts of thousands, and some of you never had a vacation because you are upper management and leadership.

Listen, I know it is weird out there right now educators, parents, and students. But know that this is temporary. Right now, educators, parents, and students are feeling pressure beyond belief to do the best they absolutely can with the tools and knowledge that they have been given and in most cases earned through this crisis learning that we have all been in since early 2020. Let’s really call it what it is… this isn’t distance learning; this is crisis learning. Some of us, have spent our entire summer, in well over 10 hours a day of learning and soaking up the knowledge that we knew or thought we needed, and I started this Microsoft Innovative Educator path over 4 years ago. I can only imagine what someone who didn’t rarely check their email is feeling right now or even someone who didn’t know how to access their email or have access to Wi-Fi. Fact of the matter is, this is our new normal. Blended learning is here and thank goodness for our students sakes.

21st century skills are vital to students’ futures in career and our entire country’s infrastructure. Just like our students today, computers are in their hands and they love gaming and watching or making video content for friends. Flipgrid is also an easily accessible application for students K-College. It is free & allows students to share their voice by becoming their own video stars and content creators. My 12-year-old niece often sends me designs of characters she has created in her free time for her video games. To me, she’s the teacher.

Luckily some companies like Microsoft and their partners, have stepped up BIGTIME to provide Educators, Parents, and Students free courses and access to limitless potentials. If you want, check out some amazing resources they have put together for support. There are also some amazing Virtual Summer Camp courses too! Educators and Families, you also have an truly supportive resource at your leisure in that there are many like me who are Microsoft Innovative Educators, Experts and Global mentors. We are Community of Change Makers & Ambassadors and we share a passion for edu-tech tools supporting educators, families, students, and one another. We are generally found on Twitter and we sport these gamified badges shout out to MIE Experts and Student Voice and all that fun edu-techy style stuff. We are gamechangers, and our game is education. So reach out and we are happy to help anytime. #Gamechangers
For more amazing resources check out the Minecraft Education Edition and esports edition from the amazing team at Immersive Minds.
Parents and Educators, you do not have to be the expert. You know why? Your students and children ARE the experts. You are the facilitators of their lives. Listen to them, let their voices be heard and let them play games. PLEASE let them play, because #playmatters.
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