We take a look at Grandpad, a Tablet made for the older senior population that doesn’t have a Smart Phone or Internet Connection at Home.
The Tablet comes equipped with a 4G LTE Connection and has an interface with Larger ICON for the most common task. Users can Send and Receive Email, Photos, Listen to thousands of Included Songs, and visit favorite websites.
The GrandPad comes with a charging station and protective case. The
Internet connection provided by Consumer Cellular for $40 No Contract and the Grandpad sells for about $250.
With the Grandpad, it allows you to keep in touch with Loved ones that may not be able to receive visitors during these times and it is not difficult to set up or use.
We talk with Author J.A. Hitchcock and President of WHOA – Working to Halt Online Abuse about her new book published by Rowman and Littlefield “Cyberbullying and the Wild Wild Web What Everyone Needs to Know.
What are the Signs to look for, Not only for those bullied but those that may be doing the bullying. The Numbers have grown with the popularity of devices of bullying which usually starts out small however can grow with devastating results. You Can check out J.A. Hitchcocks book from Amazon and other booksellers.
Author J.A. Hitchcock and the Book Cyberbullying The Wild Wild Web
Andy Taylor talked with Afternoon Show Host Scott Sands at NewsRadio 1370 WSPD about CES2017. Covered were some of the Technology idea certainly worth saving Pennies for and of course the ideas that had many scratching their heads saying “Why?” As Scott said “Do we really need to be that lazy?” however the answer most likely is “Why Not?”
Some of the Cool Innovations are discussed and some of the high points for this 50th Anniversary of CES put on by the Consumer Technology Association.
The 2017 Consumer Electronics Show has Opened it’s door in Las Vegas once again…although not to the Public, the show will feature the latest in Consumer Electronics and Concepts. A Friend of the Show, Jim Barry visited via Skype to talk about this years show and what to expect
A Photo of a Verizon Wireless Smart Store – New Store Opened in Oro Valley
Sometimes walking into a Wireless Carrier store that sells just smart phones and service isn’t enough for consumers seeking out the best bang for the buck.
For the many making the move to a new or first time Smartphone brings questions that need to be answered, that’s where the Verizon Wireless Smart Store comes in.
The Second in the Tucson Area, the Verizon Wireless “Smart Store” features close to 2700 Square feet of area that gives consumers a more driven experience with new technology that is Hands On with all devices in “Lifestyles Zones” on the 4G LTE network from Verizon. The idea is to give the customers access to more than 90 smartphones and about 800 different accessories throughout the different zones.
The Lifestyle Zone – Get Fit, featuring devices to Get and Stay Fit in the Verizon Wireless Smart Store – Now Opened in Oro Valley
There are so many different uses for technology in our life and the lifestyle zones for customers of the Verizon Wireless store will feature a Get Fit area giving a better hands on look at how active sports and fitness consumers or those wanting to engage a better fitness lifestyle can benefit with the technology available.
There are many options in Audio with our devices and that is where the “Amplify It” section will appeal to those wanting a better listening experience for themselves or for a room of people. Bluetooth speakers of different sizes and types will be available to listen to for the ear of those needing a speaker solution.
Another section includes a “Have Fun” area with some of the newest and enjoyable games. This is extremely popular for those with children looking for education/learning titles that can be paired with a tablet or even smartphones. We’ve featured devices such as “Ollie” along with Word and Shapes toys which can turn a road trip into a learning experience.
One of my favorite areas in the Lifestyle Zones has got to be Home on the Go. This is where a consumer could get a first hand look at “Canary” the easiest to set up and use Home Monitoring Cam I’ve ever used. Other Home Monitoring options and devices are also on display at the Verizon Wireless Smart Store.
With the different areas consumers can also benefit with workshops for those looking to tie in some of these devices added to their digital lifestyle along with new tablets and smartphones. These free in-store customizable wireless workshops are set to provide personalized hands-on training
The New Verizon Wireless “Smart Store” is located in Oro Valley at 10580 North Oracle Road
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