GAO Office report on WiFi in Aircraft – Could it be secure?

As more of us want the freedom to use WiFi and services while we fly, yesterday’s GAO Report can be a bit scary as far as Security and Safety when traveling on Commercial Aircraft. The Threat is realized and movement to find a safer more secure system is working.

Be sure to Check out our story at

Death and Facebook…

It’s that subject that nobody really wants to talk about however it is something that is being addressed and can provide a little piece of mind to Facebook Users on what happens to a users Facebook account when the unfortunate happens. Today, Facebook introduced what they are calling Legacy Contacts.

Users can easily choose a legacy contact, either a member of the family or a friend that can manage the account of a Facebook User when that user passes away. Again, a great deal of trust would need to be exercised as that person has the power to notify of the passing, Facebook will then Memorialize the account and allow the Legacy Contact Chosen to “Write a post to display at the top of the memorialized Timeline (for example, to announce a memorial service or share a special message), Respond to new friend requests from family members and friends who were not yet connected on Facebook Update the profile picture and cover photo.”

According to a release from Facebook, The legacy contact will not be able to log in as the person who passed away or see that person’s private messages. Facebook staff has stated this was done after talking to members who experienced loss and wanted to offer more to those grieving than the basic memorialized viewable only accounts offered in the past.

All of this is not required and the option is also available for Facebook Users to elect to just have the account deleted upon their passing. This is all coordinated through the settings tab, then the security tab. Users will see Legacy Contacts as pictured in our screen capture this morning.

Facebook Capture of Legacy Contacts
Facebook Screen Capture of Legacy Contacts

The Service according to Facebook is launched in the United States first and is hopefull to expand to more countries over time.

Blur the Casa Google!

houselurIn an effort to further protect privacy and maybe avoid litigation,  the good folks at Google have announced that users have the option of requesting blurring of their Home which may appear on the Google Street Views. An Algorithm is in effect which can automatically  blur faces and licence places and if the blurbots at Google Maps miss your mug, you can request Google Maps to Blur you.

The Same can now be done with property such as Homes, RV’s. Planes, Boats etc. The sad thing about this, if you wanted to look at a childhood home on Google StreetView, former place of work or even the Exes house to see who they are dating now – this might be impossible if the owner of the home request the Blur! Check out more of what Google will do for you

I Spy Something That Begins With “W”

Unlike many of my Disneyland Blogs, this is NOT one of them . BUT, read on and find out what I have been pondering….

So, I was searching the Internet reading Disney Blogs, Disneyland Twitter, looking for TRON exclusive updates  and playing with my boyfriend’s new Daft Punk  inspired Android App when I came across something interesting. A website proclaiming it can track and monitor your child’s internet use including screen caps of their web pages, content filters, keystroke loggers  records of IM conversations and even live viewing of their current business on the Internet.  This website sounds pretty user friendly and parent kind.  So I begin to think to myself, ” Self,” I ask ” What would keep a spouse from using the software for purposes of catching a cheater in the relationship?” And this is when I visited the website.

I’d like to start by adding a disclaimer: I have not experienced this web program which proclaims the services to be top notch and  have viewed only the content on the website for the product.

Upon clicking the link to the site, I noticed that it proposes many uses other than the advertised version I previously explained. In fact, it seems more like a “spying” software program which is being marketed to government agencies to record and log information from workers, at Schools to record information about teachers and student’s use of the Internet, and low and behold ” Catch a Cheating Spouse” software. Now, I am sure all of these uses  are part of the same program, but how funny was it that I thought of this after looking into the program that was being marketed to parents to spy on their kids? HA!

So, the reason I chose to write this blog was simple. I , like many  in my close inner circle of Geeks and Freaks, have a moral dilemma on my hands. IF I had children, which “technically” I do not, and IF they were using the Internet would I choose to monitor them digitally without their knowledge using this program? Likewise, IF you thought you had a cheating significant other, would you do the same? I don’t think I would. So I leave you with this to ponder and respond as you have free will. Maybe someone is watching you? Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

IF you want to check out the site or test the software out for yourself the Program is called Web Watcher and it’s located at

Audio Interview with Kim Sanchez

Kim Sanchez - Microsoft
Kim Sanchez of Microsoft

Just posted an Audio Interview with Kim Sanchez from Microsoft. Kim is the Sr. Audience Marketing Manager in the Trustworthy Computing Group at Microsoft & the Family Online Safety Institute Chair. She talked with us about a study Microsoft did on Online Security and Social Networking in particular how it pertains to children and the efforts from families to make it safe. If you get a chance check out the audio and feel free to leave your thoughts on Online Security!

Check out the Audio at

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