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Lets face it, Technology has made life exciting. It used to be when we wanted to impress our friends we would whip out the countless wallet photos of our kids and point to little Timmy rescuing Lassie from a Well, or something like that.
Check out the Video from D-Link with Dustin explaining the process
With today’s Day and Age we can now take the smartphone and share the very cool apps to help us in everyday life and impress our friends and family with our vast knowledge of the web and apps. Thanks to the engineers at D-Link we can now expand the impression to friends and family with our New Wi-Fi Water Sensor.
The D-Link Wi-Fi Water Sensor is actually a really great idea and although I have never had a water pipe burst on me, I can imagine the damage if I wasn’t able to turn it off. The D-Link Wi-Fi Water Sensor plugs into an outlet near a Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Water Heater or pretty much anywhere water could build into a flood.
When the D-Link Wi-Fi Sensor comes in contact with water, a loud siren will alert the resident and a push notification of a problem will forward to the users set up mydlink account. The outlet itself doesn’t have to connect to the water, cabling can run to areas that could be affected and those serve as the notifier. The unit sells for around $59.99 and is available now
For more information
It all began July 27th as Hitch-Bot, a project with success in Canada – Germany and the Netherlands, embarked on an impressive trip across the United States.
The Plan, Travel from Massachusetts across the United States to San Francisco and along the way stop in great United States treasures such as Times Square, Mount Rushmore and even the Grand Canyon with other landmarks suggested along the way.
The goal for this 3ft 25pound “robot” was, and I repeat, was to head across the states with the help of the generosity of people. Ride’s and Electrical Outlets would help take the HitchBot in this journey across the country.
Sadly, on the 1st of August – HitchBot’s journey across the US came to an end with this message posted on the HitchBit twitter feed
“Oh dear, my body was damaged, but I live on back home and with all my friends. I guess sometimes bad things happen to good robots! My trip must come to an end for now, but my love for humans will never fade. Thank you to all my friends.”
HitchBot was vandalized and left for dead, his head and limbs pulled off – reminiscent of the fate of C-3PO in The Empire Strikes Back a grisly photo was posted on Canadian Journalist Lauren O’Neil twitter feed
A message from the family was posted on the website for Hitchbox
hitchBOT’s trip came to an end last night in Philadelphia after having spent a little over two weeks hitchhiking and visiting sites in Boston, Salem, Gloucester, Marblehead, and New York City. Unfortunately, hitchBOT was vandalized overnight in Philadelphia; sometimes bad things happen to good robots. We know that many of hitchBOT’s fans will be disappointed, but we want them to be assured that this great experiment is not over. For now we will focus on the question “what can be learned from this?” and explore future adventures for robots and humans.
We have no interest in pressing charges or finding the people who vandalized hitchBOT; we wish to remember the good times, and we encourage hitchBOT’s friends and fans to do the same
Hopefully next time, Hitchbox can start out in Arizona
I’ve heard quite a bit about Periscope over the past few months and finally decided to pull the trigger and see what it’s all about. I like to check out new social media tools when they pop up to see just how different they are with the many options available to us “User Folk”
Periscope can be a total blast and has been built with the concept of “Periscoping” the user experience through the smart phone. Although some of the uses, even myself, have been for engaging interaction among the viewers in a virtual chat room which runs on top of your video while you shoot it – No Editing, It’s all Live.
One of the best uses for the Periscope service was a video I checked out yesterday of a Surfer Mitch Oates ( @lifeatseaphoto ) with his device attached to his surfboard! Great Live Video but a good way to go through phones! There’s another Periscoper that covers just about everything she does, Tasmin Lucia Khan (@Tasmin) riding in cabs, cooking breakfast and putting on makeup..I know, compelling right? Actually she is, the fact she engages the audience is refreshing. We used to do that a lot in Music Radio.
Share It with the world, make it available to select friends and even save it to your camera roll! Just don’t point it at the TV during say “Game of Thrones” or during a Pay Per View event – This has been an Issue in the Past.
Check out Periscope which is owned by Twitter after a nice payout of about $100 Million dollars (Did Dr. Evil handle that deal?) If you have a Periscope please let us know so we can check it out! Follow us Andy Taylor @techtalkradio
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