Nothing I like better then a Cool site or blog is one that offers tips to photographers as well as showcases great work. Take a look at the Blogsite for Jason D Moore and you might be able to get in on some winning. Currently the Blog is offering up a Signed (Friend of the show) Matt Kloskowski Layer Book.

If you haven’t checked out Layers Magazine, What are you thinking!! Seriously, it’s one of the best graphics and media magazines available that gives users valuable Tips, Tricks and Workthroughs. It is geared at those that use Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premiere, Illustrator and even After Effects. At Jason D Moores site you can enter this contest to win the Signed Book by submitting 3 photos and you have until October 31st to do so. Full Details are up on his site as well as info on joining the NAPP
While you are there, check out the Workshops and Videos to give you some knowledge and then work your way around the site for inspiration, it will make you wanna go out and start snapping some pics! Here is the URL for the contest page