In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Shawn and Andy revisit the purchase Andy made of the Series 9 Apple Watch. Shawn tells a story of his Son locking Mom out of the house along with her iPhone, yet she was still able to call Shawn through the Apple Watch they own to get his assistance. Andy tells about a service on the Apple Watch called Walkie Talkie however, sitting in for Justin, Shawn reminds us that feature was originally found on Nextel devices and is also available on Samsung Smart Phones. Shawn shares what happened when the fire department showed up to help gain access to the house. The Conversation switches to the recent photo opportunity of the Northern Lights and how Shawn and his friends about 250 plus miles away where getting amazing photos of the geomagnetic storm. Shawn shares how he was attempting to get a photo of not only the Geostorm but also the ISS space station which was orbiting overhead. Brad Dion, Shawn’s friend also captured an impressive shot. Be sure to check out Shawn’s Photos on

Andy and Shawn welcome to the Show, Storm Chaser, Weather Photographer and Podcaster, Lori Grace. Andy tells about finding her photos on social media of incredible weather photography about a year ago and being amazed at her work. Lori tells us about how she was able to find the passion for photography and experiment with capturing powerful shots. Lori tells us how she keeps an eye on Weather Patterns and works to find the perfect location. Happy Dancing under a storm is something both Shawn and Lori have experienced when capturing that spectacular image.

Lori shares the difference between catching Daytime and Nighttime lightning and what time seems to be more pronounced. One image that Andy was amazed by was a shot which captured a Rainbow and Lightning Bolt at the same time. Lori is based in Southern Arizona yet has traveled to other areas for Weather Photography and Shares dream spots she would like to go to. Lori also shares how social media helped grow the audience but also the story of her getting struck by lightning. Be Sure to check out the Podcast from Lori, Available on Apple Podcast Lori has a great website for seeing these images,
Mark in Green Valley sent a question about last week’s show and Cutting the Cord, he would like to know what the best streaming service available is. Andy shares how Comcast/Xfinity is developing a streaming package with Peacock, Netflix and AppleTV. Andy tells us in terms of services how he likes Peacock and Hulu for older shows but also after testing Pluto TV out, he loves that as a service.
SteelSeries have released a new Wireless Headphone, The Arctis Nova 5 has many features to enjoy including 100+ Audio Presets and he ability to be used on just about every platform. Now Available the Arctis Nova 5. Shawn talks about how he loves his previous version.
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