In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme discusses the latest Deep Fake that has many people talking and concerned at the implication on society of “magic” before our eyes. While the technology is appreciated it is obvious it could be used in the wrong hands. The Technology has been melded into AI taking photos and creating movement of a photo, smiling, winking, movement and can be created with one photo of the subject. MyHeritage.com is offering the service for free after signing up for a free account with the genealogy website. Justin tries it out. Some users have done this with photos of long-gone relatives and has us wondering if this could be emotionally painful. Shawn explains the term, The uncanny valley.
The guys talk about Dash Cams and cover a couple different brands available. Andy is hoping the staff at Wyze develops a dash cam. Shawn and his wife purchase a new car and talk about the technology in the 2021 vehicles they looked at. While Shawn has the Yi system, the guys talk about Cobra dashcams and the Nexar which Justin uses and why he likes it.
The guys talk about the PCMagazine article on what phone preference Bill Gates has. Shawn and Justin talk about the videogame Valheim and why it is so much fun to play! The game is set in the world of the Vikings and available on Steam.
Shawn tells us about the New drone from DJI, the FPV has so many great features for those that really want to capture some amazing footage. Rather than watch the drone in the air, the FPV is flown by wearing a headset and flying with the camera, the Speed of this is also amazing.
Andy talks about the new Mobile Game Queen Rock Tour which is reminiscent of Guitar Hero.
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