New KMSB Fox 11 Segment Posted! Holiday Gift Ideas
In this Weeks Segment for KMSB Fox 11, We gather up some ideas for Gift Giving.
First up is the AquaVault Charge Card! This is a Small, thin, portable charger which resembles a Credit Card and can give a little boost to your Smart Phone when needed. It features a USB-C Cord and Mag Safe capabilities and adapter for the iPhone.

We also took a look at a Kit for Building an FM Radio Reciever easily and part of the Prebox STEM Products. No Soldering, and fun to put together, runs on 3 AAA Batteries.

A Sad day as well, After 8 years of Segments with the always fun Andrew Capasso, he is moving on for a Morning Anchor Position in San Antonio. We wish him the best and will miss him!

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