New Show Posted – “Goats, Dusters and Spinny Things”
In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show Justin, Andy and Shawn gather to discuss the latest in Tech. Shawn gets his Christmas Sweater he ordered for the holidays from Microsoft and wears it during the show, it features the background scene for Windows XP Desktop many of us are familiar with. Andy shares a product for Mac Users he took a look at from EZ Quest. The 13 Port hub is designed for the MacBook and not too expensive, a great companion for the laptop bag. The guys talk about the good accessories to give and get for the holidays. Justin likes some of the GoVee products and the discussion shifts to giving Home Assistants such as Alexa and Google Home. Shawn tells us about really setting it up the way you want but knowing about the Sidewalk service within the Amazon devices.

Andy recommends battery chargers for Smart Phones as a possible gift while Justin tells us about attending his Company Christmas Party and Gift Exchange. The guys share the warnings about Gift Cards. Andy ask Shawn about his Wish List for the Holidays and tells us about the Wireless PC Brushless Rechargable Cleaner for your PC and Electronics and another electronics tool kit from iFixIt. Shawn also likes the Belkin 3 in 1 Watch, Phone and Ear Bud Charger. Shawn tells us about the Slo Mo Guys on YouTube posted a video of a Leaf Blower going up against a CPU Fan.
Shawn gives us a sad moment in Tech History bringing us down with G4 Tech TV going away. The guys wonder if G4 could survive now with so many options for content on the Web. With that intro of a letdown in history from Shawn, he follows it with the official word of the ending of E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo. The guys reminise of the history of E3 and past years of E3. Shawn shares photos of Justin and Shawn at past Comic Con 2012 when they worked together in San Diego.

The release of the Video Game The Day Before became a big story for gamers in the past week. Justin tells us the difference between a Linear Game and Open World game and what has happened since The Day Before was released. Other games that met a similar fate upon release is discussed. Justin tells us what he would like for the holidays, a Laptop Table which could allow him to sit in an Easy Chair and game. Andy reccomends the NerdyTech Cyboss. Andy shares the Logitech G502X Gaming Mouse, a homage to the Millenium Falcon.

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