Amazon and Google Come to an Agreement! Good for YOU

Big announcement this morning as tech giants Google and Amazon have announced YouTube Apps coming to Amazon Fire TV’s and Fire Sticks. Also with this announcement Prime Members can stream to Google Chromecast and on Android TV’s with Unlimited Access. This is great news for the Consumers that have had to navigate to a browser to check out content on an Amazon TV, the App will make this much easier!

These changes won’t happen immediately as the technology will be integrated soon with Applications designed for this. 





We will keep you posted.

– Andy



Old Chromebooks (which) don’t get updates

(Some) Chromebooks, tablets, and other devices…are subject to Google’s End of Life policy:

“When a device reaches End of Life (EOL), it means that the product model is considered obsolete and automatic software updates from Google are no longer guaranteed.

“Google will provide advanced notice of a model’s EOL Date on this page as soon as it is launched, giving our customers time to make purchase decisions.”

Some past their prime…

Asus Nexus 7 (2012) – Jul 2015, Android
Google Cr-48 – Dec 2015, Chrome
Samsung Chromebook Series 5 – Jun 2016, Chrome
Acer AC700 – Aug 2016, Chrome


Destroying devices, houses…and mankind

On the  March 26 show:

Leaving almost any kind of electronic device in a car…can be a bad idea.  Especially in the summer, and in desert climates.

Someone destroyed a house…the wrong one.  And then, he tried to blame it on Google Maps…

If you need an inexpensive computing device, maybe…MAYBE…a  Windows Cloudbook, Chromebook, or an iPad could be an option.

The App of the Week will give you information about Wi-Fi signals, and help to make them better!

Windows 10 until July; dead, and on Facebook/Twitter/Google; SSD vs. HDD

Audio Player

A reminder…

“Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for compatible devices that are running genuine Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1 Update.

“The free upgrade is a full version of Windows (not a trial or introductory version) and is available until July 29, 2016. Once you upgrade, you’ll have Windows 10 for free on that device.”


We discussed the possibilities of what can happen to social networking accounts of people who are dead. Here are some webpages that might be helpful to browse:

Downloading Your Info – How can I download my information from Facebook?

How do I report a deceased person or an account that needs to be memorialized?
Verified immediate family members may request the removal of a loved one’s account from Facebook.

Downloading your Twitter archive…allows you to browse a snapshot of your Twitter information, starting with your first Tweet.

Export a copy. – Create an archive with your data from Google products.

Inactive Account Manager
Decide what happens to your content if you stop using your account.  (Google)

Submit a request regarding a deceased user’s account (Google)

What Happens to Your Social Media Profiles When You Die?

7 Resources for Handling Digital Life After Death


Some solid-state drives can fail at similar rates to standard platter-type drives. And some have been found to be better than others…

Failure Rate by Manufacturer: “…HGST drives the lowest…”

Flash Reliability in Production: The Expected and the Unexpected

“…We study a wide range of reliability characteristics and come to a number of unexpected conclusions…Comparing with traditional hard disk drives, flash drives have a significantly lower replacement rate in the field, however, they have a higher rate of uncorrectable errors.”

No internet July 9…for some…

(I apologize: this post is LONG overdue. I have been actively battling other malware, which kept me too busy to warn you earlier about this one…)

July 9, if you have trouble with the internet…don’t be surprised:

Lots of computers, “servers”, that help to make the internet work were infected.

“The clean DNS servers will be turned off on July 9, 2012, and computers still impacted by DNSChanger may lose Internet connectivity at that time.”

From as many computers as you can, I want you to do some things:

Go to the “DNS Changer Check-Up” website at . If the computer is infected with DNS changer malware, you might see a red background…

Next, consider going to and read the section “Manually Checking if your DNS server have been Changed”.

Facebook and Google are trying to help with this problem. You can read more about it at these webpages:

To try to help you not become infected in the future, take a look at

It’s best to use the latest and greatest operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, etcetera), and keep all of your software (and hardware) updated. But you also need to be careful when using technology, and the internet and other services you connect to.