New Show Posted 09/05/2015

The Latest TechtalkRadio Show has been posted for our On-Demand Stream at – Tune in to listen to Justin, Slick and Andy Taylor share some tips on looking for a new Television from an Email received from a listener in Green Valley Arizona. We help decipher the terms that can be helpful to know when searching for the latest in HD and 4k Technology. Looking for the basics? This can be a helpful segment.
We also talk with our friend Jeff Bishop “El Jeffe” on the upcoming Apple Conference and what we could expect. Jeff also shares some tips on Windows 10 and issues with accessibility. If you are using a screen reader some reasons to possibly hold off til after the first of the year with the “redstone” update. It’s great to have Jeff back on with the TechtalkRadio Show.
New Devices from Samsung, the Galaxy Note 5 and Edge 6 Plus are discussed with Scott Huscher from AT&T along with service options to get the most out of your services and have the latest devices.
Andy Taylor loves Periscope and shares some cool periscopes and explains a little about the service, the Big Question..can he get Slick to start Periscoping.
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