Check out the Recent Show Episode 260 – Down With the Sickness

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about travelling with the threat of Corona Virus continuing to spread. What are precautions to take while traveling that can help preventing getting ill or spreading the sickness. Shawn talks about noticing how many people were plugging Smartphone’s into USB Ports to charge smart phone yet he is concerned at this and shares why he won’t do it. Justin tells us about Airport Wi-Fi and why users shouldn’t connect to this without a VPN. We share some from Private internet Access, Nord, VyperVPN and even Symantec offers the VPN Service. The Guys share what VPN is about and why it can also be a great tool for entertainment.

Shawn tells us about a story from Sophos about Google and how some archive downloads in November from the Google Photo Service may have included photos or videos from other users during this 4 day period. Andy talks about overhearing a couple shopping for a laptop confused at the many terms they had been told to look for. Andy stopped and talked with them to explain the terms, SSD, Memory and processor speeds. The most important question when shopping for Tech is “How are you going to use it?”

Justin talks about a welcome change to Netflix. Auto play has now been made available in Netflix to turn off and Justin shares how to do this and why it is making some users very happy. Shawn shares IPAudio and how it works in a Video Workflow. Some shows are coming to IMDB.TV from Disney including one of Andy’s favorite shows from the past, Lost. Andy talks about the other programs coming which will be free but also include ads. Plex has also been offering shows on its service with Ads.
Shawn shares Websites of the Week which is geared for the DND User, Roll20.Net is one, and the other is TipsyTauren on Twitch and DNDBeyond. Shawn talks about the CriticalRole Podcast. Andy shares his Website of the Week, for those looking at more control over selecting the seat on a plane while traveling.

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Windows 10 until July; dead, and on Facebook/Twitter/Google; SSD vs. HDD

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A reminder…

“Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for compatible devices that are running genuine Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1 Update.

“The free upgrade is a full version of Windows (not a trial or introductory version) and is available until July 29, 2016. Once you upgrade, you’ll have Windows 10 for free on that device.”


We discussed the possibilities of what can happen to social networking accounts of people who are dead. Here are some webpages that might be helpful to browse:

Downloading Your Info – How can I download my information from Facebook?

How do I report a deceased person or an account that needs to be memorialized?
Verified immediate family members may request the removal of a loved one’s account from Facebook.

Downloading your Twitter archive…allows you to browse a snapshot of your Twitter information, starting with your first Tweet.

Export a copy. – Create an archive with your data from Google products.

Inactive Account Manager
Decide what happens to your content if you stop using your account.  (Google)

Submit a request regarding a deceased user’s account (Google)

What Happens to Your Social Media Profiles When You Die?

7 Resources for Handling Digital Life After Death


Some solid-state drives can fail at similar rates to standard platter-type drives. And some have been found to be better than others…

Failure Rate by Manufacturer: “…HGST drives the lowest…”

Flash Reliability in Production: The Expected and the Unexpected

“…We study a wide range of reliability characteristics and come to a number of unexpected conclusions…Comparing with traditional hard disk drives, flash drives have a significantly lower replacement rate in the field, however, they have a higher rate of uncorrectable errors.”