New TechtalkRadio Show Posted

In this Weeks Show Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about Vehicles and Technology. Shawn talks about his new car and using Apple Car Play. What does Apple Car Play do for the vehicle owner and how easy is it to use? Justin uses The Android Version and talks about some of those features and Apps that can be used in the vehicle. The guys explain that both Android and Apple IOS devices can work in a vehicle with Car Play features. Justin talks about updates for your Smartphone and other technology enabled devices and why they should really be done as soon as available.

Smart Houses and security is discussed. Shawn tells us why he doesn’t want a smart home and wants to have the privacy maintained without giving up piece of mind. VPN, what does it mean for users that want to connect to the internet. Many talk and technology shows feature ads for VPN but do most listeners even know what the tech is and what it protects? The guys explain how it works. A big question that is asked often regarding keeping computers powered on, do they leave it on at night? Shawn talks about his Theater Room and some of the finer points of the technology for a great picture and sound.

Andy works on a HP Desktop computer with some big issues. The decision was made to keep the programs yet make some upgrades to the system. The guys talk about how users can streamline systems and with basic maintenance keep the systems running smoothly. Desktop Icons is one thing but full files, documents and photos and full folders on the desktop can slow the system, the guys talk about why. Another change to the system can be made to update to an SSD drive from a traditional spinning platter drive. Acronis True Image 2020 makes it possible to clone the drive to make it easier to not have to reinstall all the programs. Shawn points a big question to us about how often we do a fresh install of Windows. He explains why its important to think about fresh installs.

The guys share some gaming news and send congrats to Gamer Darkness429 on Facebook Live Gamer with the birth of the families child! We suggest a name, Darkness430! Shawn talks about World of Warcraft and how the game has continued to exist and grow. A recent story about a Mom that was trying to limit her daughters tweeting is shared by Shawn. After taking away her phone, she tweeted from her Nintendo WII-U ,that was then taken away and then she ended up using the refrigerator to send her tweet. Kids…

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Links related to our October 31 show…

Here are some links to things that were mentioned in our October 31 show…if you’re not familiar with some of the lingo we used during that episode, these might be of some benefit to you:






wireless access point


(internet service) speedtest

EULA (End-User License Agreement)

TOS (Terms of Service)


Technology and The Connection

Photo of TechtalkRadio Blog Author Andy TaylorIf we have ever stopped to wonder just how Technology has brought us closer in the past 20 years, it’s mind boggling. Actually, we could go back to the telegraph and imagine how the towns felt back then when they might be able to send a message to another part of the state without having to hop on the back of a horse. Most of us that read this blog and visit this website will probably remember the old Rotary dial phones, heck you might even remember party lines! I kind of miss those rotary phones but could imagine getting rid of today’s Smart Phones. Sprint sent me over the Evo from HTC to play with for 3 weeks, which is up this Friday, its rough for us reviewers because we really do get attached to some of these devices. Even the idea of buying one would be nice, except for the fact, they are extremely hard to come by. So Saturday, it will be back to the Treo 755p which used to be the top of the line, at least for a few weeks.

While all of this technology entering into our lives is a blur, personal connections are happening around us everyday. The Technology though that drives the devices makes it all possible, and because it is faster and now a part of our lives, we accept and respond to those connections like we couldn’t have 20 years ago. The emergence of Facebook and yes, other social networking platforms, has given users the ability to reach out to old friends, reconnect with past relationships or maybe even apologized for a wrong that weighed heavy for years. A good friend of mine told me today that he has become engaged to a women he went to school with in seventh grade, some 20 years ago. He found her on facebook and while connecting with other friends. While not all of the globe uses social networks, some keep it as far away as possible so they can get through this life without having to face people who once called themselves friends. This week however I found a couple of situations that had me thinking about just how this medium of email, chat and IM has changed how I have grown up when it wasn’t even around as a kid.

I have always been a fan of Motion Pictures, I have wanted to work in the industry and have on a couple of occasions. I’ve been lucky in my growing up to have been around friends and educators that always shared that interest. I have always been comfortable around Film Sets whether I was working as a production assistant or there as a visitor. With the Radio Career I have also been able to talk with people that inspired me or that I admired for their work. Today’s technology now not only makes it easier to create short films or develop projects but also get tips on the process.

The other day I received a note from The Fred and Jeff Radio Show that Veteran Filmmaker and Special/Visual Effects Pioneer Douglas Trumbull was coming to town to lecture at the University of Arizona’s Museum of Art. I posted the info on this blog and then thought, I need a photo of Mr Trumbull but the last thing I want to do is just take it from Google. (You have to be careful when doing that), without even thinking about it, I emailed Mr Trumbull and politely asked for a photo to put up on the Blog to promote the upcoming appearance. Within about 10 minutes, I had a photo and note from Mr Trumbull in my inbox. I posted it and went on about my day.

Later that evening, I thought about it as I was telling Gloria of my task throughout the day and she responded with “wait, the guy who directed Brainstorm emailed you a photo?” I responded with “yeah” like it was no big deal. She followed with “2001, the special effects!” Again, I was “yeah”, It didn’t connect with me until she said, “Thats pretty cool somebody with that much stature would take the time out to do that for you..” and then I thought, wow..yeah..Douglas Trumbull and realized the technology made it easier yes, but the person..the kindness himself is really what made it happen. Thank you sir.
