Logi Circle camera, Intel processors, and Cobra dash cams

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Andy interviews:

Vincent Borel of Logitech describes their Logi Circle “home security and connection camera”. It has a rechargeable battery and can stream three hours of video for up to three hours, “2-Way Talk” capability (with audio monitoring), and free 24-hr cloud storage for recorded video that can be downloaded…

Karen Regis of Intel talks about the 6th Gen Intel Core processors which “have been optimized to best run Windows 10, enabling new experiences…and providing more secure computing.”

And Chris Kooistra of Cobra discusses Dash Cams that can “automatically save and protect clips if an impact is detected”.

TechtalkRadio Returns to the Air

On Saturday 08/29/2015 at 4pm TechtalkRadio returned to the Broadcast Airwaves of Green Valley/Sahuarita KGVY AM/FM. The Show featuring Andy Taylor, Slick and Justin shares the latest in Computers, Technology and the Internet. The Return also coincides with the upcoming 20 year Anniversary of the Show which over the years has broadcast in Palm Springs, Tucson, Virginia and has guested on various Morning Radio Shows to discuss Cool gadgets and trends.

Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio currently also serves as Resident Tech Expert for KMSB Fox 11 Daybreak with a Bi-Weekly segment on the Latest in Tech and Consumer Electronics. The Show Streams Live at TechtalkRadio.Com and the latest program is available On Demand on the Site.

Click here to listen this weeks show which features an Interview with Monica Brown VP of Product at LeapFrog about the upcoming ChicldrenLeapFrog Epic. The guys also discuss some ins and out of Windows 10 along with the featured Website of the Week http://www.voat.co