I’ve had quite a few of you expressing interest in writing for the TechtalkRadio Blog, If you are Interested – drop me a note, give me your shirt size and we’ll talk! To register for the Blog for Comments or Writing – You will find the registration in the Top Right hand corner of the Page.
We’re looking for stories of your Computing, Installations, Cool Web Sites and Observations on Software, Hardware and The Net. We hope to have Post from Former TechtalkRadio Members and Guest and Cover Every Aspect of Consumer Electronics we can.
If you think nobody wants to read about Linux, think again! We can cover Linux, Mac, PC and will probably have some post on Remote Computing coming soon. Gamers, Consoles and Mobile Apps are all Spoken here as well!
If you are a writer, a reader or industry person, Thanks for Stopping By!
Linux… Giggity… That’s what I call real fun… But I must say that the Android OS has been taking up most of my free tine. I don’t know much but what I don’t know I try hard to figure out. I’m also a card carrying geek and would LOVE to share my unsolicited opinions! I look forward to any opportunity to bloviate at will…
Now…. what to write about?
Now that your on the Droid, I am sure theres a TON of things you would like to write about!! Apps, Apps and uh…more Apps? Which phone are you using? I had the Sprint EVO and LOVED it, was hard to part with, actually held onto it for a week just so Slick can play with it on the show in the AM!
I would like a shot at writing a review or two about Steam gaming. Its my favorite distribution system for new games for several reasons and I would get a kick out of doing a short blog on it.
Thanks Weenus! (Thats a fun one to type!) Look forward to the Articles, will send you an Email!