(Tucson, Az) TechtalkRadio begins production this week for a RadioExiles weekly version of the latest in Tech and Gadget News in short form for Podcast. The new TechtalkRadio Radio Exiles Show will be available for Free Download at RadioExiles.com on Thursdays.
The TechtalkRadio show created by Andy Taylor and Mike O’Brien has had homes on KPSI Palm Springs, KTKT Tucson, KJLL Tucson and Clear Channels KNST Tucson and also featured as a regular weekly segment on Broadcast Television with the KOLD TV Morning News.
Over the years various show host have joined Andy Taylor for a lighter look at the world of computers, technology and the Internet on the weekly broadcast and internet webcast of the show in what usually amounts to an hour or two of technology. The current show webcast on Saturday Mornings with Slick, Justin and Broadway and features a version of webcast which airs in Grafton West Virginia on WLMN Radio.
According to show creator Andy Taylor, “the Radio Exiles version of TechtalkRadio will still look at gadgets but also provide links and fun sites that can get lost in the muddle of all the news that is available” His show is hoping to make it a fun experience while learning about some cool sites and tricks to use on both the PC and Mac. “Not having to stick to a clock timed one hour format will allow me to share the most relevant information in a shorter time span.”
Don’t let the name fool you, TechtalkRadio is not just for Techies. The show is for anybody who loves the gadgets.