Grand Theft Auto V for PC Available TODAY!

210x176I have to wonder what RockStar Games is doing to me! Releasing a highly anticipated game title with one day left for the Tax Deadline! I wonder how many gamers will flip the coin today!?

When you hear the title “Grand Theft Auto” You generally know this is a game that has a history of violence and situations that should only be operated by an adult. The very successful franchise continues to this day and technically it is not just a thrown together schlock fest, it couldn’t be –  Gamer’s wouldn’t go for it.

A successful Video Game Franchise will come from the loyalty of the gaming crowd that in turn will expect high end graphics and fluid game play and that is what the good folks at Rockstar Games are handing out. Today the company announced the availability of Grand Theft Auto V for PC at Retail or Digital Download through Steam and Rockstar.



New Sprint Service Comes to you!

Wcar01_smallith the 1st Roll-out of the New Sprint Direct 2 You service today in Kansas City and 2nd and 3rd planned for Chicago and Miami, the potential for Jobs and a better experience when transferring your phone data – Sprint believes we could see up to 5000 Direct 2 You positions created by the end of the year.

Read More on the Service along with a informative Q&A from Sprint on our site at


TechtalkRadio Quick News from Tech

Thanks for checking out the Quick News for Tech from TechtalkRadio – For 08/27/2014 we take a look at an announcement from GoPro for your Canine friends! They can now Create Action!

We also check out a Recall from HP regarding Laptop Cords that have been reported by the Consumer Product Safety Commission as hazardous! Check out the Recall Page Here

Finally Ralph Lauren Tech Polo shirt is capable of many things and according to the company, integrated clothing with technology? This is just the beginning!

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