New Show Posted 09/05/2015

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The TechtalkRadio Logo

The Latest TechtalkRadio Show has been posted for our On-Demand Stream at  – Tune in to listen to Justin, Slick and Andy Taylor share some tips on looking for a new Television from an Email received from a listener in Green Valley Arizona. We help decipher the terms that can be helpful to know when searching for the latest in HD and 4k Technology. Looking for the basics? This can be a helpful segment.

We also talk with our friend Jeff Bishop “El Jeffe” on the upcoming Apple Conference and what we could expect. Jeff also shares some tips on Windows 10 and issues with accessibility. If you are using a screen reader some reasons to possibly hold off til after the first of the year with the “redstone” update.  It’s great to have Jeff back on with the TechtalkRadio Show.

New Devices from Samsung, the Galaxy Note 5 and Edge 6 Plus are discussed with Scott Huscher  from AT&T along with service options to get the most out of your services and have the latest devices.

Andy Taylor loves Periscope and shares some cool periscopes and explains a little about the service, the Big Question..can he get Slick to start Periscoping.


TechtalkRadio Returns to the Air

On Saturday 08/29/2015 at 4pm TechtalkRadio returned to the Broadcast Airwaves of Green Valley/Sahuarita KGVY AM/FM. The Show featuring Andy Taylor, Slick and Justin shares the latest in Computers, Technology and the Internet. The Return also coincides with the upcoming 20 year Anniversary of the Show which over the years has broadcast in Palm Springs, Tucson, Virginia and has guested on various Morning Radio Shows to discuss Cool gadgets and trends.

Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio currently also serves as Resident Tech Expert for KMSB Fox 11 Daybreak with a Bi-Weekly segment on the Latest in Tech and Consumer Electronics. The Show Streams Live at TechtalkRadio.Com and the latest program is available On Demand on the Site.

Click here to listen this weeks show which features an Interview with Monica Brown VP of Product at LeapFrog about the upcoming ChicldrenLeapFrog Epic. The guys also discuss some ins and out of Windows 10 along with the featured Website of the Week

Another Alert from Home – Watch where you’re leaking!

Lets face it, Technology has made life exciting. It used to be when we wanted to impress our friends we would whip out the countless wallet photos of our kids and point to little Timmy rescuing Lassie from a Well, or something like that.

Check out the Video from D-Link with Dustin explaining the process

With today’s Day and Age we can now take the smartphone and share the very cool apps to help us in everyday life and impress our friends and family with our vast knowledge of the web and apps. Thanks to the engineers at D-Link we can now expand the impression to friends and family with our New Wi-Fi Water Sensor.

The D-Link Wi-Fi Water Sensor is actually a really great idea and although I have never had a water pipe burst on me, I can imagine the damage if I wasn’t able to turn it off. The D-Link Wi-Fi Water Sensor plugs into an outlet near a Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Water Heater or pretty much anywhere water could build into a flood.

When the D-Link Wi-Fi Sensor comes in contact with water, a loud siren will alert the resident and a push notification of a problem will forward to the users set up mydlink account. The outlet itself doesn’t have to connect to the water, cabling can run to areas that could be affected and those serve as the notifier.  The unit sells for around $59.99 and is available now

For more information


Changing out the Hard Drive – Asus K55

Yesterday evening when I jumped on Periscope @techtakradio I decided it would be fun to exchange the hard drive in my Asus K55 Laptop with the Kingston 120GB SSD Drive I found at OfficeMax on Sale. What Started to be a simple exchange turned into 18 minutes on Periscope as we talked about Windows 10 and the Benefits of SSD Technology.

We were able to save the original meaning of our Periscope and edit it for you to check out on the ease of Switching out the Hard Drive in your Laptop

Please Let us know if you went SSD or Standard and Subscribe to our blog!

Tiny Gadgets – Teeny Drones

The good people over at Teeny Drones checked out our coverage of the Teeny Drones on Fox 11 KMSB with a Link to the segment which was on the Website for Fox Affiliate KMOV St Louis! Here is the Write up from the Folks at Teeny Drones

Screen Cap from Teeny Drone Website
Screen Cap from Teeny Drone Website