Behind The Darkness – Latest Radio Cast

In this week’s show Justin and Andy talk with special guest Tim aka Darkness429 who recently moved from the Twitch Platform to Facebook for Live Video Streaming. We learn about the process in moving between the platforms as well as what motivated Darkness 429 to decide to full time game stream. What’s the reaction from the parents when you tell them; I want to be a professional video-gamer. Andy shares his ancientness asking what games did Darkness429 start playing, we do find out which were the games played in his education. Tim shares ways to stay healthy with such a intense full time game streaming schedule with technology such as Sit Down tabletops from Human Scale have helped.

What ground breaking technology helped move gamers to the ability to Live Stream. We get some ideas of what brought this to the forefront with products such as OBS Studio and XSplit. We learn about the approach from Facebook and about taking the leap of faith to make it happen. Within 3 months, 115k followers have connected to Darkness429. What are some of the protocols towards the viewers that should be maintained and could help the live streamer build the audience?

Gaming over the years has changed and with that the requirements on computer systems has also changed, Darkness429 shares some of the preferences and helps discuss Console vs. PC. Darkness429 has an elaborate setup for both streaming and gaming as we cover everything from monitors to keyboards. We learn about Stream Deck from ElGato and how it enhances the systems as well as other great products from El Gato. We talk input devices from Logitech, Corsair, Steel Series and Razor.

For those wanting to game, Build Your Own or a Rack Based System? We learn about Xidax Computers which is a sponsor for Darkness429.  In the discussion of processors we talk Intel and AMD and hear goodness about the Ryzan Thread Ripper from AMD. Darkness429 streams using the GoPro platform, how is this done?

How important is the audio portion of the Live Stream? We also learn about the Audio control with the Mackie DL806 Wireless Mixer which is controlled by an iPad. Every Podcaster will question the choices on Microphones and we talk about Darkness429’s recent move to Blue Baby Bottle from the Heil PR40, The sound is amazing.

Darkness429 discusses the future and what could be the next steps after gaming. Are females venturing into the gaming arena and what are the challenges? We wrap up our discussion as Justin gives him some rapid fire questions such as the First Game Ever played!?

Our Website of the Week this Week is the Computer Museum at

Show from 09/17/2016 Some Charging Tips without all the Smoke!

  • In this Weeks Segment from 09/17/2016 – Andy, Slick and Justin talk about the Note 7 and the Recall of the device – (Since this show was recorded the Recall was Official)
    The guys talk about the threat of charging devices and why your devices should be monitored when charging. With the thought in mind, the guys share some ideal charging suggestions and why they shouldn’t be plugged in overnight. Why Samsung had to shift marketing focus quickly and why Lenovo is focusing on Skipping the 7s.
  • Slick shares what grinds his gears when it comes to batteries in smartphones. Next to using a smartphone as a phone, the guys share what are the most important features for the team.
    Andy Taylor talks about the Lenovo MotoMod from Hasselblad, True Zoom which can help turn the smartphone into a feature filled digital camera for the end user. Slick challenges Justin on a comment regarding iTunes Digital Rights Management of music purchased through the iTunes Store.
  • Andy Taylor discusses the idea behind The Digital Dark age and why we shouldn’t get rid of our paper, photos, music CD’s, DVD’s. Tivo is bought out by Rovi for 1.1B and changes
    its name to Tivo. The new Tivo Bolt with 4k and 3TB of Data storage is talked about. What do you need to make the Tivo Bolt work on your Cable System. How do you find out what to sell your used hardware for? Listener Gilbert asks. What should somebody do with a Hard Drive in their system before they donate or sell it. Dban Dariks Boot and Nuke is noted as a program to make drives unrecoverable.
  • App and Website of the Week is a simple tough game from potoandcabenga from Armor Games

New Show Posted 09/05/2015

The TechtalkRadio Logo
The TechtalkRadio Logo

The Latest TechtalkRadio Show has been posted for our On-Demand Stream at  – Tune in to listen to Justin, Slick and Andy Taylor share some tips on looking for a new Television from an Email received from a listener in Green Valley Arizona. We help decipher the terms that can be helpful to know when searching for the latest in HD and 4k Technology. Looking for the basics? This can be a helpful segment.

We also talk with our friend Jeff Bishop “El Jeffe” on the upcoming Apple Conference and what we could expect. Jeff also shares some tips on Windows 10 and issues with accessibility. If you are using a screen reader some reasons to possibly hold off til after the first of the year with the “redstone” update.  It’s great to have Jeff back on with the TechtalkRadio Show.

New Devices from Samsung, the Galaxy Note 5 and Edge 6 Plus are discussed with Scott Huscher  from AT&T along with service options to get the most out of your services and have the latest devices.

Andy Taylor loves Periscope and shares some cool periscopes and explains a little about the service, the Big Question..can he get Slick to start Periscoping.


TechtalkRadio Returns to the Air

On Saturday 08/29/2015 at 4pm TechtalkRadio returned to the Broadcast Airwaves of Green Valley/Sahuarita KGVY AM/FM. The Show featuring Andy Taylor, Slick and Justin shares the latest in Computers, Technology and the Internet. The Return also coincides with the upcoming 20 year Anniversary of the Show which over the years has broadcast in Palm Springs, Tucson, Virginia and has guested on various Morning Radio Shows to discuss Cool gadgets and trends.

Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio currently also serves as Resident Tech Expert for KMSB Fox 11 Daybreak with a Bi-Weekly segment on the Latest in Tech and Consumer Electronics. The Show Streams Live at TechtalkRadio.Com and the latest program is available On Demand on the Site.

Click here to listen this weeks show which features an Interview with Monica Brown VP of Product at LeapFrog about the upcoming ChicldrenLeapFrog Epic. The guys also discuss some ins and out of Windows 10 along with the featured Website of the Week

Andy Taylor talks with Scott Sands WSPD Toledo

I had a chance to visit with Scott Sands of WSPD Radio in Toledo on the benefits and features of Microsoft Windows 10 as well as a couple of points to consider before upgrading and something to change as soon as you do!