In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Broadway. We get the update on Broadway after his positive test for Covid-19 a couple of weeks ago. Good to report he is doing much better. Shawn talks about the changes in College and University Sports due to the pandemic as many institutions get back to work. We learn about the audio tricks employed to enhance the games on web and broadcast.
Chromebooks are continuing to be in demand due to distanced learning, the crew talks about building your own Chromebook and recommendations on the marketplace. Windows Update have been frequent, the crew talks about some of those problems of the updates like rebooting during a television broadcast. Updates have also affected Malwarebytes and Shawn and Broadway share the experiences with this. Comcast will no longer be offering Symantec Anti-Virus and now Andy must deal with either continuing with Symantec or another choice. Justin and Shawn both recommend Eset while John likes the free open source version of Clam.
Shawn shares a site for finding open source software AlternativeTo.Net
Justin tells us about his hunt for the X-Box Series X, there has been some confusion regarding the X-Box One X which is still on store shelves. He tells about the differences. Shawn tells us about a console made by Bud Light which raised money for Charity. Justin talks about his hunt for the RTX3080 Graphics card and using the website
Justin talks about people blowing vape smoke into the Xbox Series X and Microsoft surprised to have to notify users not to do this. Smoking around a computer is not a good idea, Andy tells the story of repairing a computer from a smoker.
Andy talks about repairing a laptop which had a problem starting up into Windows 7. After looking at the system and examination of the system BIOS, the internal battery had failed and needed to be replaced. This can be a problem with older laptops. Andy found a company in the process which sells batteries and other cool education products. The company is called XUMP. Hulu has raised their prices for Live Local TV Options, Broadway talks about his looking for an option. The crew loves Disney Plus and The Mandalorian. Justin and Shawn talk about the Making of the Mandalorian and how groundbreaking the visual and mechanical effects are with filming. Andy gives us his thoughts of the Movie Clouds.
The show wraps up with a discussion of deliveries following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Justin recommends Amazon Garage for those with a MyQ Garage from Chamberlin. Andy lets you know about ordering from Big box Stores and picking up from them or using services like shipping to UPSStore, FedEx or even in some cases your neighborhood Walgreen’s
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