EPISODE 258 – The Fresh Eyes on Chickens

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Andy Taylor and John Broadway talk about the long association of working together in Morning Radio. John shares some of the Nerdy Sides the guys found out about each other with the love of Technology.  With John being in Wisconsin the guys talk about the different living conditions during the winter and a sliding trash truck that highlighted his day. New Technology has come to Office Max with the ability to create Podcast in a section devoted to this task. Andy shares how easy has it been made for Green Screen/Blank Flat Color Wall Video on a Video Cast with products from Logitech.  Andy stresses the best feature for Audio Cast and Video is going to be clean audio. Great Video but bad audio can make it hard to keep the listeners or viewers.

The guys talk about how gaming has changed since the early 90’s and how they look today! While we had great products from 3DFX and Diamond, the power required for today’s game is amazing and the output mind-blowing.  The Guys talk about the end of Microsoft Windows 7 Support and how to upgrade to Windows 10. John and Andy talk about some of the Best Operating Systems in the past years.  If you are doing the upgrade to Windows 10, John and Andy share some things to consider before doing the update.

Want your computer to move faster? John and Andy talk about Hard Drive Upgrades and why moving to SSD is such a great idea. The guys talk about Backing up a system using Acronis 2020 and the process. John talks about Virtual Imaging on Drives.  John has a hobby, it is involves chickens!