• In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Shawn, Justin, Broadway and Andy talk about the Latest in Technology and Computers. Broadway gets himself a new microphone and just before the show, his new “Inexpensive” USB Microphone crashes his system. Shawn tells us about the different between Dynamic and Condenser microphones. Justin and Shawn talk about USB Power and how that could cause the issues Broadway was experiencing. The guys talk about Data Recovery with the New Microsoft Windows File Recovery Tool.
  • Justin talks about the recent ban from Twitch for Dr. Disrespect. Gaming has changed since Microsoft eliminated its Mixer Service. Broadway pops into the broadcast and his Microphone sounds great! He does share about the latest in Game Streaming.
  • Justin checks out a New App, Golf Pad GPS and Tags. The guys talk about the game of golf and how technology can enhance the sport. Justin tells us his experience with Golf Pad GPS and why he thinks it has enhanced his game. Justin also gets himself new club from Bombtech.com No more Animal Crossings for Justin, he’s out golfing. Broadways talks about his new microphone from Zingyou. The guys talk about a recent report of the many different words which can trigger your home assistant. Shawn talks about tracking your ad watching through your TV. Justin isn’t happy with YouTubeTV and shares why.