It is our latest Show, Episode 234 “Time to Put The Cat Down”

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In this TechtalkRadio Episode, Justin and Andy talk about the confusion of the holidays and wonder why it is so darn difficult to adjust to getting back to work over the holiday’s. Justin gets his hands on Super Smash-brothers for the Nintendo Switch and gives us his thoughts on it and while amazing, what is the downside?

Careers in Gaming are discussed with a recent story about Ninja and his income from gaming and endorsements for 2018 which superseded projections of 500k per month which even then seemed amazing. Justin talks about the Twitch platform along with others for Streaming Games and what they are about. Along with Streaming Games at Twitch.TV, other content can be found. Can watching Video Gamers be fun? We have had some great laughs checking out the different streamers which have built quite a following. Some of Justin and Andy’s favorites include Dr Disrespect, Darkness429 and Poolshark. Andy asks the question, Are there gamers streaming online which aren’t fantastic at the game but great fun watching? Justin tosses one under the bus.

The new Black Mirror film Bandersnatch is out with a new interactive feature for different paths for the characters. Justin gives us a review about Welcome to Marwan. Andy and Justin disagree on the Film Bird Box however Andy raves about Ralph breaks the Internet. The guys get an email on how to locate good podcast content. Justin and Andy share some locations and how to find via hash tag searches on Twitter such as PodernFamily.

Justin shares his experience moving from Wink back to Raspberry Pi for Home Automation. The process has been made easier and Justin shares the reason behind it.

This Weeks Special Feature is a Website to give info on films called ReelGood.Com