After seeing a demonstration of the Sub2R Active Green Screen on Social Media, Andy Taylor wanted to find out more about the company and spoke with the CEO and Co-Founder Richard Neumann of Sub2R. Richard shares with us the company’s groundbreaking advancements in camera technology. With a journey spanning over a decade, Sub2R has emerged as a pioneer in hardware development, particularly in the realm of camera systems. Richard provided insights into their flagship product, the Studio 460 Camera System, designed to cater to the needs of both professional and streaming creators with every little attention to detail on the needs of those creating.

Richard shed light on the Studio 460’s versatile outputs and the inclusion of the SFP Module, a key component that facilitates seamless conversion of video formats. This flexibility ensures compatibility with a wide range of broadcasting and streaming platforms, empowering creators to deliver content in their preferred format effortless. In addition to its cutting-edge features, Richard highlighted Sub2R’s commitment to user experience through the integration of advanced cooling systems within the camera. These innovations not only enhance performance but also contribute to prolonged operational reliability, addressing a common concern among content creators.

Another victory for the company is its revolutionary approach to green screen technology, embodied in the Active Green Screen (AGS) System. We learn about the Lightbulb Moment Richard had in it’s design and elaborated on how their team of four dedicated engineers challenged conventional thinking to streamline the green screen setup process. The result? A solution that not only simplifies the setup but also enhances portability and space efficiency. By incorporating low lighting requirements and optimizing the placement and inclusion of lights behind the screen, Sub2R has effectively redefined the possibilities of green screen environments within a compact 5×7 space.

In our discussion with Richard Neumann, it is obvious Sub2R’s dedication to comprehensive solutions extends beyond camera technology and the easy deployment of the AGS, the company also features camera mounts available on their website.  This approach underscores the company’s mission to provide creators with the tools they need to focus on creativity and elevate their content production endeavors. As Sub2R continues to push the boundaries of camera technology, its impact on the creative landscape is poised to be nothing short of transformative. Find them at