New Video FX Plugins – Great Price and Features

I was fortunate through my years growing up to have attended a high school in Southern California that offered a video production class to which I became a TV Nerd spending time before and after the actual class creating shows and segments for the TV news-feed at school. We had much fun creating Wipes and Dissolves and getting our fellow classmates in front of the Blue Screen and Chroma Keying them into strange backgrounds. It was very basic but fun to do. Our editing was done on a Sony RM440 3/4 inch system, much different that what is available today.
With the lower cost of Digital Video cameras and the availability of faster computer systems, the classrooms of today create productions that not only tell a story but also are visually competitive to programs you might find on cable television. When a student leaves school, they can either move on to college or try to get a job professionally in the industry with some of the skills they can pick up in the schools. For a short time before moving out to Tucson, I taught Computer Education at a night school for parent of children wanting to learn what makes them tick. Many adults in the class that wanted to learn about the computer also wanted to see where they could go with it and what great presentations they could create. Video and Photo editing was one of the areas I was questioned about often.
It seems as thought the numbers are growing and consumers would like to use Video programs and create DVD’s or Online Videos to share with friends and family but haven’t had access to programs that could do more than just basic edits. Many of these users have wanted to incorporate video effects and features to give the videos a step above in the quality of the finished product. But as times have changed since when I started working with video to where the basic user is now, software can now do more with even the good home editing programs we have.
Adobe, Sony, Avid and Apple both have delivered great video editing platforms for the Consumer and the Professional. Many consumers have looked at whats available for the Pro users and have wanted these features in the lower cost home suites. All of these companies have worked hard to include as many features as possible and have done a great job at it. To extend features to the user on both skill sets is NewBlue Inc with its NewBlueFX line of products for professional looking Video Effects.
The most recent product from the company NewBlueFX Video Essentials IV offers 10 different effects with over a hundred different types of presets for a desired look and feel. We talked with Vice President of Marketing of New Blue Inc about the latest suite of effects and what can be achieved with the plugin’s which work into not only professional software packages but also the consumer level users.
Tune into TechtalkRadio and Listen Now to the Audio interview with Sandy Berman about how these features work and how you can save a few bucks ordering online. Need to Shoot at daytime but need it to look like night? Put a Clock on your screen to wind down to a particular event? Easily remove wrinkles and blemishes of your host or talent? The NewBlueFX package is capable of doing these and many other features. Listen in at
Be Sure to Visit the NewBlueFX Blog for Tutorials, Demos and Tips at
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