Latest Episode of TechtalkRadio – Now Available
TechtalkRadio – Family Online Safety and Home Automation
Justin and Andy are back in studio together for this episode of TechtalkRadio and talk about some of the exciting products on the way for the Gamer. Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is now out and Red Dead Redemption from Rock Star is coming, October 26th. Google makes its official announcement of the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3XL Smartphone’s. Some have shared some disappointment at the storage, the guys remind of the concept of cloud storage which Google has been moving ahead with Google Docs and Google Photos. Pricing also surprised some however as Justin reminds us, it is the way of Technology.

Justin and Andy talk with Stephen Balkham, Founder of FOSI, The Family Online Safety Institute. Verizon recently launched Verizon Smart Family which is a service to help parents manage their family’s online safety through features such as content filtering, data management, device tracking among other safety features. Along with FOSI, a series of panel discussions have been hosted around the country on “Parenting in the Digital Age.” Stephen shares thoughts and concepts with Family Online Safety along with other sites for getting the discussion with the kids going. Stephen also shares some thoughts on who can benefit with the Verizon Gizmo Watch.

When is the proper age for a youngster to get a Smartphone? The movement Wait until 8 may have the right idea. More info at
Danah Boyd has a great website for family information and technology along with a book “It’s Complicated”. Her site is
Andy reminds parents to take a look at the FOSI site for any parents with kids playing Fortnite. Patricia Vance shares what parents need to know.
Members of Mass, a technology company serving Tucson, Green Valley and Surrounding communities visit in studio to talk about home automation and the many different options in the home.
Visiting TechtalkRadio is Co-Founders Dominic Carrillo and Jose Castro along with Arturo Gallardo Senior Expert and Trainer. If you are thinking about getting the most out of today’s gadget, Mass has the answers.
Justin shares a website for the Website of the Week which is a guide for making your own Sake. can provide some information on what it takes.
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