Here We Go with Yet another TechtalkRadio Broadcast (We are caught up!) Episode 261 – There’s a Website For That! Listen Here!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Shawn is out; Broadways joins Justin and Andy talking the latest in Computers, Technology and the Internet. In a previous show Broadway told us about his decision to get into raising chickens. We learn a little more about the story behind his taking on Raising Chickens and what it takes to have 150 chickens. The guys bring back 60 Second Tech, A Rundown of the biggest stories in Tech however, Justin takes it a little longer..not even slightly. Some of the big stories from this past week included Playstation 5 and how this could be the last console from them, but why? Apple iPhone 9 and what could be coming down the channel. Could a New 12 inch iPad be coming? RedBox has announced a RedBox Streaming Service for Cord Cutters. Microsoft Office App is available now, the new app brings it all together and Google Stadia is coming to some cool phone devices! The guys break down what the Playstation5 rumors could mean for the future of gaming and the way games are sold.

Andy’s Daughter Jessica wants him to build a gaming rig for old games that ran under Windows95 however Justin and Broadway offer solutions to allow the playing of older games on Windows 10. Nox Emulator at is mentioned along with Blue Stacks at for this task. Andy wants to feature a Mini PC on the TV Segment at KMSB Fox 11 and looked into MinisForum; Broadway calls it a Pi on Steroids. Andy works on a laptop which was not powering up after a Water Spill. After taking it apart, Andy shares what he found and how it got working again. Justin shares a problem with a system as well and is looking for a Solution.
Photos of Laptop Repair

Broadway has been playing games on his PC going back into Nostalgia and reveals some of the titles he has been playing. The guys explain Escape from Tarkov and while Broadway hasn’t tried it yet likes the idea behind it and why not having characters that can respawn a good thing. John and Andy talk about the latest in Smartphone’s and moving from iPhone to Pixel as Broadway did. When somebody wants to upgrade the smart phones, it seems as though every time you turn around there is yet another change in what is available, should you wait? The guys talk about 5G and what it means for end users.

The guys wrap up the show talking about a monitor that can be plugged into a Smartphone to make it more like a notebook, Andy mentions the Logitech K480 Bluetooth Keyboard for using with Smartphone’s and tablets. Justin shares the Website of the Week, Slither.IO a fun game that is simple and fun to play.

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Check out the Recent Show Episode 260 – Down With the Sickness

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about travelling with the threat of Corona Virus continuing to spread. What are precautions to take while traveling that can help preventing getting ill or spreading the sickness. Shawn talks about noticing how many people were plugging Smartphone’s into USB Ports to charge smart phone yet he is concerned at this and shares why he won’t do it. Justin tells us about Airport Wi-Fi and why users shouldn’t connect to this without a VPN. We share some from Private internet Access, Nord, VyperVPN and even Symantec offers the VPN Service. The Guys share what VPN is about and why it can also be a great tool for entertainment.

Shawn tells us about a story from Sophos about Google and how some archive downloads in November from the Google Photo Service may have included photos or videos from other users during this 4 day period. Andy talks about overhearing a couple shopping for a laptop confused at the many terms they had been told to look for. Andy stopped and talked with them to explain the terms, SSD, Memory and processor speeds. The most important question when shopping for Tech is “How are you going to use it?”

Justin talks about a welcome change to Netflix. Auto play has now been made available in Netflix to turn off and Justin shares how to do this and why it is making some users very happy. Shawn shares IPAudio and how it works in a Video Workflow. Some shows are coming to IMDB.TV from Disney including one of Andy’s favorite shows from the past, Lost. Andy talks about the other programs coming which will be free but also include ads. Plex has also been offering shows on its service with Ads.
Shawn shares Websites of the Week which is geared for the DND User, Roll20.Net is one, and the other is TipsyTauren on Twitch and DNDBeyond. Shawn talks about the CriticalRole Podcast. Andy shares his Website of the Week, for those looking at more control over selecting the seat on a plane while traveling.

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New Show – Shut Your Pi Hole!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Justin and Shawn are back with Andy Taylor for their first show coming back for the New Year. The guys talk about building stuff for the kids during the holidays and the dangers of bourbon and building. Shawn shares his love of Lego’s while Justin is super excited at the game show Lego Masters. Justin and Shawn tell us about The Reddit Secret Santa with some great stories of gifts given and received that has happened over the past 11 years with matched up strangers. The guys share the tales of Bill Gates and Elon Musk who participate in The Reddit Secret Santa.

The Windows 7 End of Support Date has Passed yet the Windows 10 Upgrade link was still available as of recording. Justin tell us about a Security Flaw which has the NSA involved in notifying the media to alert users of Windows 10 and Server 2016 to patch the systems immediately. Justin shares the background on this reason to patch. Shawn shares a need to know patch story about Firefox and the reason behind it as well as highlight on a new browser he is starting to use which doesn’t make Justin and Andy overjoyed called Brave.

Justin sets up a Raspberry Pi Zero to connect to Pi Hole, A Black Hole for Internet Ads. In 24 hours it has blocked 36k Query’s and over 4000 ads! The guys talk about CES2020 and coverage they followed by Dave Graveline of Into Tomorrow and Super Radio Pro Fred Jacobs. What is happening with 4k versus 8k technology? Shawn brings up a great point, It is not about the Quantity of Pixels, it is about Quality. Justin explains the differences between QLED and OLED when it comes to the new televisions. The guys talk about YouTube TV and what it represents for Cord Cutters which still want local channels. Robots were big at CES2020 and Andy shares a story about luggage that is robotic that will follow a user around. Andy talks about Waverly Labs and translation devices for understanding foreign languages.

To Wrap up this week’s show, Justin and Shawn talk about the game Escape from Tarkov and why this is such a tremendous game title from Battlestate Games.

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New Show Posted Episode 258

EPISODE 258 – The Fresh Eyes on Chickens

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio, Andy Taylor and John Broadway talk about the long association of working together in Morning Radio. John shares some of the Nerdy Sides the guys found out about each other with the love of Technology.  With John being in Wisconsin the guys talk about the different living conditions during the winter and a sliding trash truck that highlighted his day. New Technology has come to Office Max with the ability to create Podcast in a section devoted to this task. Andy shares how easy has it been made for Green Screen/Blank Flat Color Wall Video on a Video Cast with products from Logitech.  Andy stresses the best feature for Audio Cast and Video is going to be clean audio. Great Video but bad audio can make it hard to keep the listeners or viewers.

The guys talk about how gaming has changed since the early 90’s and how they look today! While we had great products from 3DFX and Diamond, the power required for today’s game is amazing and the output mind-blowing.  The Guys talk about the end of Microsoft Windows 7 Support and how to upgrade to Windows 10. John and Andy talk about some of the Best Operating Systems in the past years.  If you are doing the upgrade to Windows 10, John and Andy share some things to consider before doing the update.

Want your computer to move faster? John and Andy talk about Hard Drive Upgrades and why moving to SSD is such a great idea. The guys talk about Backing up a system using Acronis 2020 and the process. John talks about Virtual Imaging on Drives.  John has a hobby, it is involves chickens!

How did they do it!? Behind the Scenes of “Comfortable”

One of the talked about commercials this past week was from Rocket Mortgage. It starred Jason Momoa and his wife Actress Lisa Bonet. The goal in the commercial for Rocket Mortgage was to illustrate the ability to feel comfortable in your own home.

Using CGI the filmmakers demonstrated the “Real” Jason Momoa and his life at home. While fans of Momoa were unsettled by the Ad, it was tongue in cheek, it looked like the cast and crew had a good time with it! Take a look at the Video above highlighting the effects required to make it work!