Special Guest CEO Scott Lien of GrandPad – Technology for Seniors

We recently had a listener call in that had a dilemma. Jim told us he was 71 and not very Tech Savvy however he was still able to go to the Green Valley Public Library and will an email set up by his grandchild he could email relatives and keep in touch. Jim did not have a Smartphone, nor a Laptop, Desktop or Internet Connection at his home.

With the recent closings of Public Libraries, Jim had no access to the Internet and now no way to reach out via Email to relatives. I talked with Shawn DeWeerd and we decided to take a look at the GrandPad which is geared at Senior Users. We reached out to the Company and within the hour were able to get CEO Scott Lien to visit with us to share with you some of the features of The GrandPad. We learn the 8 inch table is fine tuned for the Senior User and features a 4G LTE Connection provided by Consumer Cellular for using the GrandPad just about anywhere.

In this Segment, our Interview with Scott, we learn of the Ease of Use, the features and why this can be a great solution for staying in touch. We aren’t able to get the entire screen in on our Video Interview but it does give you a great view of what the product can do.

In our closing of this information filled segment, Scott Lien reminds us of these times where we are staying home and reminds us to connect with our older family members and friends, Some great advice. For more information and demonstrations, check out the Official Website https://www.granpad.net

New Show Added, Justin Collects What? Or His Fan Boy Moment!

Thanks for checking out our latest TechtalkRadio Episode!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Andy Taylor chat about Wireless Internet as Broadway shares some of the issues he is dealing with when it comes to getting a signal to his house which is in a Rural Area. The guys talk about what happens when you call most TechSupport Lines and the different levels of Support. Justin shares with us a website which can help those needing a solution or answer to reach decision makers with https://www.emailtheboss.org

One of the big issues this week has been surrounding the cleaning of Keyboards, Mouse and Smartphone’s. The guys cover some of the questions surrounding the cleaning of cases and Smartphone’s. We see more and more podcast and videocast and the guys talk about how creating a Videocast can also be used for a podcast. What are some of the ways to get this done and have your audio only hosted for prospective listener to download or stream. Justin talks about a couple of the YouTube pages he checks out where he may just listen to audio. Justin mentions ChrisFix and Mr.Beast. Shawn talks about the different types of shows including Church Sound and Media Tech. If the guys were to do a podcast around a Non Technical subject, they ponder what type of show would they do?

Shawn DeWeerd tells about a new project for the show where he will embark on a mission to build, fix or create and share the process on the show. His first project is to build his own drone, The Gremlin from https://www.flitetest.com. The guys play a round of Name That Term hosted by Shawn. Andy shares some info on searches Online for Covid-19 and how this has opened up systems to malware. A new exploit is focused on those looking for Corona Virus Maps like those seen on News Broadcast.

Filmmaker Joseph Heslinga chats with Andy Taylor about the new film Foosballers. The movie is a documentary about the people that have a passion for the game/sport of Foosball. Joseph talks about his roots in Tucson and how he relocated to LA. The technology behind filmmaking and distribution is discussed along with the story behind the film project. How big a part is social media in the promotion of a film project like Foosballers? The film Directed by Joseph with Cinematography by Logan Cascia and Produced by Joseph, Logan and Mike Wagstaffe is available on Vimeo On Demand and iTunes, coming soon to Amazon Prime Video.

For our Website of the Week, Shawn DeWeerd shares the site he found which inspired him to create drones, https://www.flitetest.com

New Show Added! “The Great Yawn” or Can They Make it Any Smaller!?

For this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Broadway, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin and Andy take a look at some changes Shawn made to the ATEM Mini from Black Magic Design and how the software for the Unit can give some added features he gives us a look at in the Video posted to the Blog and Website. Andy has wanted to do a segment on KMSB Fox 11 on Mini Form factor computers. Andy tells us about reaching out to MinisForum to take a look at the Mini Desktop only to be told by PR, go buy one! With the budget on the show he then reached out to Zotac which also produces Mini Desktop computers. The Marketing wizards responded with some questions which Andy answered and…They disappeared, never responding. Disappointed Andy decided to buy a Mini Desktop and went ahead and bought the ACE PC T11. A Mini Form Factor PC running Windows 10, Andy talks about the T11 and some of the reasons he is glad he went with this unit. Upgradability on the Storage, 4 USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet Port, MicroSD Slot, Included HDMI Cable and a VGA port are just a few of the reasons, the pricing was only at $140!

Check out Our Beginning Segment from This Weeks Show

The guys talk about the difference between the Raspberry PI Micro Computer and the Mini Form Factor in the Ace PC T11. Cnet shared a story about the Brave Browser and how many users are beginning to take a look at the features on this free browser. Shawn told us about this a few weeks ago and answers some questions regarding the ad and track blocking browser. Many users have been searching for info on Corona Virus, Covid-19 and that has opened up non reputable sites with disinformation and to get malware on users systems. Broadway reminds us to be careful with Vanity Websites. Andy reminds us the website for the CDC is CDC.Gov.

The guys talk about the Plex Server and while the service makes it possible to have many features Shawn talks about the downsides of connecting from Outside the Network. A Big question on digital privacy is opened up and Justin at this point has pretty much said maybe we are too concerned. The Guys play a round of Name That Term with Justin asking the guys to find the answer to the acronym, A Fun Segment! Just hearing Broadways frustrations is memorable!

For our Website of the Week, Justin shares with the guys a site they didn’t know about and are super happy to hear it is on the Web. Gary Larson the man behind the Far Side has never really embraced the web and is now sharing his funny looks at life at https://www.thefarside.com

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